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I never spent much time underdressing until about 2 weeks ago. I was not getting many days as Karynn so I started underdressing at times. It did relieve some stress of not being me as I am in a DADT marriage. I have worn bra and panties mostly but since I am wearing a coat now, the forms are in. It isn't as good as Karynn but it sure feels good. Hopefully one day it will be more Karynn.
Except on very hot Australian summer days I underdress 24/7, even then I will have panties on instead of "jocks". Warmer months, panties and cami, some days a bralette. eg right now.Cooler, same again and depending on the temperature, panty hose or heavy duty tights.
Nightime's, as above and when I can, ("it's complicated"), femme pj's in winter, silky full length nighties in summer. Plus a bra and breast forms.
I do not feel "complete" without some form of female apparel on my poor old "bod"
Karynn -
I try to underdress as often as I can, which isn't very often. When I do it is usually panties although I have worn a bra or pantyhose in the very early morning when I take the dog for a walk (less opportunity to bump into someone). There have been a couple times I have been lounging at home wearing panties under my sweatpants and my wife has wanted to go tothe store and said I am fine going as I am (so far as I know she didn't know I was wearing panties). The main reason I don't do it more often or all the time is that when I first came out to her I agreed to keep my dressing in the house. I asked about underdressing once and she is concerned if something happens to me and I wind up in the ER. I understand her concern. It has been quite awhile since that conversation and she has become more accepting, it may be time to visit that topic again.
Have fun underdressing, the feeling of feminity when doing so is so delightful.
underdressing is my main cross dressing outlet. I’ve been doing it for almost 50 yrs.
its mostly panties and a bra or bralette in the cooler months. It’s obviously not complete cding but it goes a long way in relieving the desires to let Natalie breath.
I will sometimes wear pantyhose and I’ve even worn stockings with garter belt underneath my work clothes. Camisoles are also a very nice way to underdress. Some years back I began stealth dressing, it’s a wonderful way to express your girlie side. Especially for us closeted ladies.
Had not been an underdresser for many decades but have gradually begun to enjoy it.
After a full dress up session, it's hard to take return to mens clothes so why not leave on the panties?
Always more fun to be wearing panties, of course...
I underdress whenever I can.
It’s mainly knickers, but does sometimes include a bralette.
Tomorrow is my day in the office, so it will just be knickers.
As my wife knows nothing of Lucy, I change back into boy pants for the trip home in case I forget that I’m wearing them.
Whenever I’m out alone and can’t be full on Lucy, I wear a 50:50 outfit, which is femme gear that’s not too obviously femme.
That has become a very regular thing nowadays.
I have been underdressing for many years and love every day of it!! Panties,bra,hosiery of some sort. I do wear womens jeans every day too. Occasional full enfem but not to often:(
I have been under dressing for the past 10 years or so. As the years have gone, I have added more to my dressing which feels great and more"normal" now.
Since I dress fully en femme only when home alone, I enjoy underdressing on outside excursions, but do it in brief spurts. Once it starts to feel routine, I stop for a while and return to drab for a few weeks. This helps my relationship with my SO, when we both see my underdressing days in femmewear as special, not a full-time lifestyle.
Thank you Karynn for your story, because I so identify with so many of the girls replying. I also underdress several days a week. It was wearing pantyhose under my work pants 9 yrs ago during a cold winter having not dressing for many yrs after getting married that got me back into cross dressing, and now I do it to give my female half and little bit of girlyness. I usually wear a garterbelt, stockings, panties and a full slip under my outer clothes. I find the garterbelt and stocking easier to deal with when I need to use the bathroom.
I wear my panties every day, and in the winter I also wear tights (see, there is an advantage in living in the frozen north).
When I wore boxers I had many colors and patterns but if you asked me I could never tell you what color or pattern, now I always remember.
Underdressing is my main form of dressing en femme and have been doing it for over 30 years, full-time for at least 20. I always panties (that is all I wear) and often bras. Outerwear came slowly and still only occasionally as the mood strikes me.
I am mostly an underdresser except when home. Well actually at home there is no under. I just wear lingerie only when I can. But when going out for day to day things I underdress almost every day.
I have under dressed for years and now with the cooler weather I have been wearing woman's jeans when I go out, I have been getting some bodysuits so I can dress completely just need to get some bra's with the adjusters in front so there are no bumps on my back. I love the way my jeans fit...........
I just wear a loose-fitting and printed shirt to hide my bra. My wife has never complained so it must work well. It also allows me to wear small to modest-sized forms out and about all day. I nearly always wear shorts (got to show off my waxed legs), but if I do wear pants I mostly wear Levi women's jeans so I am mostly dressed en femme, but nobody is none the wiser.