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this summer i took a vacation. i haven't had a vacation in about 20 years. i decided to take a what i call a girls vacation. i was going by myself so this was a big deal. i left my house dressed and was taking a 5 day vacation dressed. i have done this before but not as long or as far. i packed all my things and headed to Atlantic city from Maine. about an 8 hour trip 1 way. just girl clothes, no men's clothes. i got in my convertible car and headed out. stopped at a salon to get a manicure. toes are always done. had a few stops along the way, gas, lunch and pee breaks. pulled into bally hotel on the boardwalk in atlantic city and checked in. no problems. (like the whole trip there was no problems). i dressed my usual way. short skirt and open toe sandals. it was the week after the 4 of july. did some shopping, gambling, dining out ect. one reason i when there is because i wanted to ride the steel wheel on the pier. $12 to ride. i gambled at a hotel about a mile away from mine. walked the pier to get there. it was pretty empty for a July. i stayed up til after midnight. probably 2 to 3 in the morning. i walked back to my hotel at about 2am or so. boardwalk was pretty empty. i was a cd walking by myself. a few people around but not many. last day of my trip i went to the pier to see the rides. time for some fun. i went on a helicopter ride over the beach. had to by 2 tickets because they needed to have 2 people minimum. $150 for a 5 minute ride. they had a ride called the sling shot. it was $35 a ride. there wasn't anyone going on it so they dropped the price to $25. i watched a few people do it. you sit in a metal ball and they pull it down to the ground and the bungies shoot you up in the air about 100 feet. it looked awesome. i had to try it. but how? i would surely loose my wig and fake boobs. i went to my room and got a bag. i put my boobs in a bag and headed off to the ride. i stopped at a store along the way and bought a sweatshirt with a hood. i went to the ride, bought a ticket. they strapped me in the seat. i left my bag and my sandals on the ground. put my hood up and tied it down. ready for launch. it was great getting shot in the air and spinning around and bouncing up and down. i got a few more things off my cd bucket list. i dont think many of you cd have done anything like that. got home safe and was an awesome trip. next year i might try a cruise or fly dressed.
Wow Rachel that's quite a trip to take even without the slingshot, which you took all precautions. Thanks for a lovely account and it sounded a great time.
Wow what a wonderful experience, I hope I can get up the courage to do the same
No, never did those things. Some 10 years ago the wife and I did a girls only vacation. We took a week and went from NJ to Maine. We stopped in Groton, Connecticut to see the submarine base and museum. Then to Freeport, Maine and LLBean. We love shopping there. Then we went to Acadia National Park and spent a few days there at a hotel and visiting the park. From there we went to New Hampshire, Vermont, NY and back home.
It was a great trip and I hope to do something similar in the near future. We're heading off to Florida in the spring and I'm thinking I may just have to pack some things and enjoy a few days in the Florida sun to begin my tan lines for the summer.
Hey Rachel,
Congratulations on your girl trip and crossing items off the CD bucket list! Have a fun cruise next year.
a cruise might be my next trip. don't know where. but i'll leave dressed and come back dressed. no man clothes needed. it doesn't have to be a cd cruise. i seam to get along well with regular people and no one ever bothers me. do you ever wonder how many cds see you when they are out and about not dressed. i have alot of people say. if anyone bothers you, let me know. i tell them im not worried. they would look pretty bad if they got their ass kicked by a cd.
After reading this thread, a thought came to mind as a result of reading some important news yesterday. Dressing as a woman is not against the law...yet! If Trump has his way and according to plan 2025, we will all be in jeopardy!
The times are changing, they're going backwards.