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Normally in the morning I get up to do food deliveries but I decided to sleep in the morning because I had a long weekend. At about 10:30 I get up and walk out and realize no one is home. My parents said they were going to be gone in the morning, and my nephews who live with me were at school. So. Thought it would be the perfect opportunity to dress fem. So put on some panties, a kaki mini skirt, a brown sweater crop sweater with white mushrooms, brown leather boots, and a brown leather jacket. I started to walk around the house and took some pictures. I was going to prepare to do some laundry while dressed, but then I heard some noise upstairs. At first I thought it was just my cats. So I continued to walk through my house. I walked back up to my room and the minute I did that. Then I heard someone walk out a door and go to the bathroom. So at that point I realized I’m not alone one of my nephews must stayed home sick. I Don’t know which one it is because I’m still my room as I type this bring real thankful I don’t interact with him while dressed. I’m pretty sure i know who because one of them I’ve seen during the day a few times saying they were sick. I’m not saying he’s lying but I’ve been a kid before I know cap when I see it. My house is usually never empty unless I’m not also here so I guess this was too good to be true.