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Wearing nail polish in public

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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As I have mentioned a few times, lately, I have been carefully showing off my hands while wearing bold nail polish.

Yes, I have tried the subtle route of wearing skintone colours, but that seems to be a little too subtle - nobody ever notices, of course.

So, before Christmas, I started wearing more obvious colours by choosing a dark green. I figured that I could get away with saying that it was a Christmas colour. "What colour do you wear around this time of year?" Unfortunately,  I was never in a situation in which I could ask that question. Then, because I only got one enthusiastic comment from a cashier with the green colour, I switched to a deep, solid red colour. Nothing. On top of that, this particular nail polish has terrible quality. It broke off very easily even if all I did was look at it.

In the meantime, I went to a local drugstore and bought a deep, shimmering purplish polish. Still nothing until yesterday. At the same drugstore, I spoke with the same clerk that sold me the purplish polish. She remembered me (of course 😇) and enthusiastically complimented me on doing a nice job on my hands. I bought another colour for that!

When I went to the prescription counter, that clerk saw my nails first thing and exclaimed, "Oh, I like your nails!", with a big smile. Her reaction and smile seemed honest and genuine. 

When I then saw my GP doctor, I was able to go through everything without the doctor seeing my polish until we did a departing fist bump. He ignored it probably because he had to keep moving on. Busy, busy, but at least he finally did see my hands.

I am relating these example encounters to encourage more of you to do similar things, too, especially if you rarely do things in public. Break out of your mould, do something daring or bold, even if all it is is painting your nails.

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@harriette My first time to wear colored nails was a little over 4 years old. I had them colored yellow and red, my college colors. The nails were yellow with painted letters on them. The nails spelled I- S- U- CY - ISU.  Go Iowa State Cyclones. You can see my nails in my profile picture. I thought this would catch on, but sorry to say, no.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Just yesterday, I found out that there is such a thing as vegan nail polish and that a local store has two different lines of that kind of polish.

Does anyone know how robust vegan nail polish is / can be?

Of the two brands, the one that is marked as vegan has quite a few very bright and bold colours, almost fluorescent, that don't really interest me at this time. The other half are more normal. Their current sale price sure interest me, too.

The second brand, Essence, are the cheapest kind of any nail polish that I have seen anywhere, at $4 for any of their 16 colours. To recite product info:

The Thoughtful Choices at Shoppers Drug Mart™ lineup is curated to help make it easier for you to shop consciously.

This product falls within the following Thoughtful Choices™ criteria:
• No animal testing
• Formulated without the following Parabens, Phthalates, SLS, SLES, Triclosan, Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde Releasing Agents, Hydroquinone

The last word salad seems, um, important. 

So it looks as if this line may be a brand of the SDM franchise. They aren't claiming that this line is vegan, though, but I had only used their base coat and top coat before now, and they both helped my other polish last well. At this price, I like them even more.

Any feedback about this kind of nail polish is welcomed, here.

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@harriette I spent a good 6 months with painted nails last year & the only comment I got was off my brother & his friend during a visit. For some reason, since Christmas they have been falling apart badly so it's just not worth it now, they are so short there is almost nothing to paint 😥

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@sashabennett Sometimes I wonder if it is worth trying to grow out my nails. Most of them break in unexplainable ways.

However a long sharp thumb nail is really useful for cutting open citrus fruit. 👍

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@harriette About the only thing that would be good for in my case is probably poking myself in the eye 🤣

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Harriette -

What a lovely experience for you. It must have felt very good to receive those compliments. I wear a light tinged pink gel on my fingers and have received compliments a couple times. The first time I was asked if I get manicures, when I said I did the lady said she wished her husband would get them. My toes I get color during the winter (right now I have a glitter red) and last summer I started with a clear gel and then got a neutral skin tone. My wife suggested the skin tone and I could wear my flip flops and open toes sandals with them. I'm thinking of getting flesh tone on my fingers and hope to eventually get color, of course my wife will have an opinion on that - happy wife happy life. She is pretty accepting and opening up to having Suzanne out there. I'm very happy with the way things are. Would I like to do more, without a doubt but a little is better than none.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@cdsue Understood, but it is good to find something new, different, more that we can do too, right? 😉

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@harriette agreed


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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@cdsue When I had my beauty salon my nails were manicured weekly. Women always said they wished their men would have theirs done. Women love their nails.

I’ve never really concerned myself with them as part of my crossdresser repertoire. Painted toes under nylon - yes. Fingernails - as long as they’re clean😊

I try to keep my “get ready” process as short as possible🥰


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@gracepal Yeah, but it was nice to do something new / different for a few weeks around Christmas time / New Year's.

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Noble Member     Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
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My toes are polished all the time. In summer I wear flip-flops and sandals. No one cares.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@mary I probably will do my toes during the summer, too, because the polish lasts so long on them, and I wear sandals a lot. The problem will be getting caught in our building, though. Not wife approved. 🤔

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Estimable Member     LA, California, United States of America
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@harriette my toes are polish in white, black or bronze or brownish all year but never remove my socks in front of my wife.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @sexxygrl

@harriette my toes are polish in white, black or bronze or brownish all year but never remove my socks in front of my wife.

An interesting dilemma! According to your profile, you are also not out to your wife. 🫣


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @lea-jhene

I admire how bold you are to wear nail polish on your fingers. Congrats on getting a few compliments.

I just remembered that almost one year ago was the first time that I wore a very obvious red to our annual spring car show. The next show will be here soon, so I am planning to do my nails again.

Car shows may seem to be an unlikely  place for seeing coloured nail polish on a male (not presenting as a female), but, again, very few of the people there even noticed. A big open space milling with thousands of people? It is easy to go unnoticed.

The only sales rep that did notice gave me a snarky, "Nice nail polish". I thanked her and kept on walking. At least somebody noticed. 😁


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Estimable Member     Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada
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@mary Me too, fluorescent orange to boot!!

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Trusted Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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My toes are always polished during the winter as well.  I gel a gel pedi every 2 weeks.  Ive come to enjoy my conversations at the salon, as well as hiding my feet unless Im alone!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@emily2626 The polish on my toes seems to last and last. Not so much on my fingers. It really needs to be good nail polish there.

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@harriette Good for you! We tend to dread those interactions, but if/when brave enough to manage them we usually learn that rarely does anyone comment and if they do it's usually positive!

I've kept my toenails glittery red for about 2 years now. No biggie in the winter, but I wear flip flops almost exclusively in the warm months. 

Likewise, for the past 6 months or so I've started just leaving my fake nails on (also either glittery red or maybe burgundy) in guy mode. I simply don't care what people think anymore, and I love how they look and sound. Like you, I find that the more common situation is a compliment. 🙂

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@melodeescarlet I don't dread getting reactions. I dread not getting reactions! 

One doesn't normally see a 6' person mostly presenting as male, with a moustache but no wig, wearing nail polish. I would have thought more feedback would be in order not less.


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@harriette I think people today tend to mind their own business more, but honestly I think a few busybodies give the general public a bad rap.

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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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Ha ha, I recognise that one. You wonder what you'll say if people notice and react to them ... and then they don't (or maybe they choose not to). So then you get slightly miffed because they haven't !

About the only meaningful comment I've ever had was from my 4 year old granddaughter when we painted each others toenails

eM x

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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@harriette People are afraid to say anything about anything anymore today. Too many crazies in the world, looking for conflict. You gotta pick and choose when and where very carefully. As an outspoken girl let me tell you….it’s not easy. I’m always aware that I could wade into a pile of s*** accidentally at any moment and not even know that I did. People are offended over everything today.  It’s happened here on CDH. I’m not surprised that so many stay silent. Safer that way than mixing it up.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@gracepal I am not worried by the crazies. It's just that I think more conversation about an obvious male wearing nail polish is still in order today.

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(@Anonymous 99924)
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My toenails are painted all year In a pinkish, purplish.My fingernails have a clear coat, I would paint them a bolder color but even though my wife is supportive she doesn't want me to. Even though I'm alright with it I have to consider my wife's feelings.



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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@allisonwannabe Yes, of course, we need to do new things within our restrictions, but if it isn't nail polish, maybe it could be something else.

(@Anonymous 99924)
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@harriette I can pretty much underdress as much as I want plus I wear women's jeans and women's shirts. Two things that I'm going to do this year is to get a makeover and go out in public.

Allison Smile Face  

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Estimable Member     LA, California, United States of America
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 Cost of makeover?

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
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Thanks for sharing your positive experiences. I work retail (a liquor store) and I see many people of all genders wearing nail polish. I still don’t have the courage, but posts like this help. 

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@ashleigh Maybe you could start by wearing a mat clear coat or skin colour nail polish, as a test run.

The Essence brand Colour Shield Top Coat is very inexpensive and seems to last well.

The Revlon clear #781 has been good, but I  don't see it on the self any more.

Sally Hansen's #827 Sheer is a very close match for my skin colour.

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Noble Member     Ocala, Florida, United States of America
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@harriette thanks for the tips! Perhaps I’ll get brave enough to try one o them. I often wear nail polish when I am out dressed, but never in drab. I do however keep my toenails painted in the winter when it’s not sandal season. Currently they are a dark pink.

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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my favorite color is hot pink with a design on the big toe. i get a pedicure every month for about 7 or 8 years now. my toes are always painted. i get a gel polish at the salon. its as hard as nails and to remove it it has to be grinded off. i wear sandals with open toes because i love to show them off. i even wear womens sandals in male mode too. i dont care if everyone sees my painted toes. sometimes i don't take off my fingernail polish if i'm not working. i love to take a girls weekend or girls trip. thats when i dress up for the weekend or the week and stay dressed for 3 to 7 days straight. those days i usually get a manicure at the salon too. last year i went to atlantic city for 6 days dressed. see my pedicure on my photo pictures.

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 J J
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Very few people comment on men wearing polish, but they few that do have been positive in my experience. I have been playing with polish for a few years now, mostly subtle, but often very "not subtle" and the few comments I get are good. 

My last two manicures have been with acrylic gels, and OMG does it last amazingly well. I easily get four weeks and the only reason to remove it is my nails grow out too much and the unpainted bases become too obvious. 

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @jjandme

Very few people comment on men wearing polish

No kidding! 🤣


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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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@jjandme Yes when your nails grow out it doesn't look to hot. My record was 10 weeks. After about 5 weeks I painted the nails that were exposed. While I was working that didn't look to bad.


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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@loneleycd My nails keep on breaking, who knows why.

 Last night when I went to sleep, my right pinky nail was long. When I woke up, not so much. 🤔

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I usually wear red or pink nail polish, often in drab. I did get  compliment from one SA but I was en femme at the time.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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My toenails are often painted. Finger nails are painted if in Anna mode and the polish is left on if I am not in work

I'm not a fan of fake nails, so do let mine grow out if I have a photoshoot planned.


Anna xx

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Reputable Member     Gwynedd, United Kingdom
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My toes are always painted, as I really enjoy the process of getting a pedicure. Bright red shellac, as of yesterday!

I have given up on fingernails for the moment as I work as a model maker, and am consequently always using glues, paints and abrasives. Sadly, I find it difficult to work in even thin latex type gloves, so the nails have to stay au naturel. Joanna 💕

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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well i googled how many men get their nails done one time and they said about 30%. looks like that number might be right. go get your nails done and get that number a lot higher. Smile  

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Estimable Member     Minnesota, United States of America
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I have yet to get my fingernails painted as there are still a few situations where I don't really want to have to answer any questions. However, I have had my toe nails painted continuously for about 2 years now. My partner and I first got them done together and we go in for regular pedicures every 4-6 weeks now. It is really nice. Someday I may paint my nails but it isn't quite something I want in boy mode just yet.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Posted by: @nataliecd

Someday I may paint my nails but it isn't quite something I want in boy mode just yet.

I am sure that you know, but there are some skintone colours that make for very stealthy adventures. A good sales clerk can help you pick the right one for you.

A night on the town, a favorite restaurant, a trip out of town? Have some fun.


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Noble Member     California, United States of America
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I admire how bold you are to wear nail polish on your fingers. Congrats on getting a few compliments.

One trick I use is to compliment a clerk first... that sometimes leads to a nice little discussion and occasionally a compliment back. That, for me, puts it out there that I'm different... which guys would notice makeup or nails and say something.

I love the feminine look of nails, long nails, cute colors and designs.

I've been wearing nail polish on my toes for over a year. I even wear sandals, sexy ones, in winter just to show off my toes. Never got a compliment, but several women have obviously noticed them and smiled. For me that's enough.

Someday, I'll follow your bold example and go out with painted fingers.


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