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I was a long time lurker and finally joined up a little while ago . With all the information and insane amount of support and encouragement,, you brought ME out to battle HIM. In a very short time I have achieved a few accomplishments. 1 Threw HIM in the closet 2 Joined this awesome site 3 got ears pierced, 4 the BIG one I introduced Mikayla in full femme to an old friend I haven't seen in a few years.. After a couple of minutes of sheer fright and answering a few questions, we carried on with our evening like any other time. Nothing more was said and absolutely no animosity between us.. My God it was it so nice to be able to be ME with a friend.. I am laying blame to CDH and TDH for pushing me ahead with my journey.. THANK YOU. You have truly changed my life.
Love. Mikayla
<p style="text-align: center;">Mikayla, I'm so happy for you. Hugs Rochelle.</p>
I introduced Mikayla in full femme to an old friend I haven’t seen in a few years.. After a couple of minutes of sheer fright and answering a few questions, we carried on with our evening like any other time. Nothing more was said and absolutely no animosity between us.. My God it was it so nice to be able to be ME with a friend..
Congrats, it must have been a wonderful evening 🙂
Thanks. It really was amazing . He stayed the night and was totally indifferent to me maintaining (different clothes) my femme appearance today. Hope he comes back soon. Lol.
Thats fantastic Mikayla, I bet you feel quite liberated! That takes a lot of courage, congrats!
Mikayla.. I am very happy for you.......you are a strong girl...accomplished a lot in a short time.....I am proud to know you. You have given a new meaning to....."I am woman....hear me roar!" Go get-em lioness.
Hugs and love.........
Dame Veronica
Wonderful , a very exciting moment. Truly a experience to hold close to one's heart and certainly an inspirations for me and many here. Thank you for sharing and the best in your next journey out. 🌹
"your next journey out". That will remain. to be seen. I can't believe I've been able to achieve any of these things. I went from a total nervous wreck to , huh, that went really well in a matter of minutes. I must admit that I did suspect this particular friend would be accepting and fortunately I was right.. All my best. Mikayla
Omg! Wow! That’s awesome. I bet you are still on cloud 9!
So happy you found a home and friends at CDH. Thank you for sharing your wonderful experience..
Hi Victoria. Yes, Very much so. My mind has been in a haze all day. On one hand it's scary as hell and on the other it's the best thing Ive ever done. This site has really been a great influence on me. I'm almost afraid of what I will be doing next. Lol. All my best. Mikayla
Hi Stephanie. I had a serious battle between HIM and ME about joining but I won the war. It has been incredible letting a little about ME out and sharing with everyone.. I never would have achieved any of my recent achievements without CDH and will forever be grateful. All my best. Mikayla
It was Terifying at first but yea it is a relief BUT now you got me concerned about "phase two ' ?!?!
Mikayla, I am glad that the sites have helped. And wow, coming out to a friend, as someone only out to my wife and all of you, that is truly inspiring. Amazing, you rock girlfriend! hugs, Michelle
Hi Michelle. Yea it remains to be seen if it was a wise move though. Talk about brave.. Opened up to SO.. I was married for 18 years and never let on. Cant imagine giving someone that power over me. .