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Hey ladies
I have worn Womens clothes for ever. It started with moms stuff..progressed to my sisters stuff..I never dressed my little brother up...I assumed it was just a thing I did. Fast forward 40 Years....My little Brother Says ...She.... wants to live life full time as the woman she feels she is. His/Her wife has tried to keep the family of 4 together but its not to be. Looking back through the few years they tried I now see She was struggling. Drinking turns out to be more of a problem than transitioning for her. She doesn't feel like drinking was effected her life..In here somewhere I confided in my sister that I too, think I look good in a dress and heels. We keep this between ourselves as far as I know. Now, fast forward 15 years. I've been Sober over 15 years. I've told my wife and she basically accepts Bree. Sis is on her own now...and, She is finally out of prison after her 5th DUI..
She questions her identity to this day.
I can't tell you girls why I thought I should share any of this....I've just been in a mood lately.
Hi Bree,
Sometimes a problem shared is a problem halved, it lifts a weight off your shoulders if you share it with friends and family, well on CDH you have a whole world full of friends and a family of sisters to share it with,
With much love Roz ❤️
Bree -
First, congrats on 15 years a wonderful accomplishment.
As to your brother/sister I am sorry to hear of his continued issue and hope he finds the help he needs. As to her questioning her identity I hope she can find some help to resolve that issue as well.
Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations on being sober! Interesting that both you and your brother cross dress. Curious of anything at home started both of you dressing??
Congrats on being sober for fifteen years. Hope your sister can find some peace, I know that it will not be easy. I myself have gender dysphoria and it has been with me for over 55 years.
Thanks for the well wishes Ladies. I know sometimes stuff just spills out of my mouth. I feel blessed to have all you to lean on. This is a Great community made by all the great members.
I am in great Company. Thanks for reading.
I very much doubt my brother would accept Anna and therefore wouldn't put it to the test.
Anna xx
Sharing, caring, supporting, talking and loving unconditionally can resolve many issues. Addiction is so cruel but knowing you can pick up the phone or knock on the door and hear a friendly voice can be such a relief.