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I am a slim/skinny 6ft my bra size is 38 I wear a 38 B. I was told recently those are to small for my frame should I be a C cup then? Any advice?
I’m 5’8” and I originally tried a d cup (silicone breast) and then went to a c cup. I’m a 42” chest and I love the c cup but make sure to get the triangle Breast forms. You may have to try a few sizes but I found them on eBay for $35.00. I love how they feel in the padded bra. Just my opinion. I hope that helps. Try a c cup. - Traci
There are no rules Brandie. Try a few out and see what you like. And even then, you can change it for different outfits - I move from B to D as I think makes any given outfit look better. 🙂
- I am 5'10 and 175 lb and I wear size 38D and very happy with them 😁
I would say probably yes. I’m 5’ 9 155 lb and wear a 36 C. A previous set of forms were too big and I gave them away.
you can always go try on a padded bra to see if you like the shape better.
As Melodee says,there are no rules. You look good in the pics and appear to have a slim frame so is a bigger bust needed. However a size larger is not a 'back breaker' and may look okay on you. No harm in trying it out.
My experience as a 5'7" 142lb gal was that I started out with 38B for many years then had a comment like yours made to me. After a refit I was 36C and it looked much better. I don't use full forms only 300g boosters as I have some boob to cover them to form a cleavage and even wear a D cup which is still acceptable.
There isn't really a right / wrong size, women come in all shapes & sizes so it's more down to what you are comfortable with. We have all seen women with chests that seem out of proportion to their figures, both large & small but that's how it goes sometimes. I'm a similar size & generally go for a C but sometimes a B is less obtrusive depending on how I feel, in fact I'm rocking a pair of B's right now. I also have a silicone breastplate size E which is fun but is probably too big if I'm honest. Most of my clothes aren't really suitable for anything that size. This is something else to consider actually. Most clothing is designed for an average size (UK 12 to 14 in my case) so it might require a whole new wardrobe if you go too big but a C shouldn't cause any issues. Try padding out what you already have & see how it feels but it shouldn't cost too much to get a bigger pair anyway so why not give them a go.
I am 86kg (190lbs) and am about 178cms (5'10"). I wear a 44D bra with breast forms and I wear hip pads which add about 4" to my hips. As I have broad shoulders, to get a feminine shape (or as near as I can), the breast forms are asymmetric because they have a side piece which goes towards the outside of the bra and therefore widens my upper chest. Combine this with the [largest I could find] hip forms and I have a [rather statuesque] hourglass figure. I combine this with waist-tailored dresses that have a flowy skirt and a crew neck. I feel the overall effect is classy, mature and as subtle as a man wearing a dress can be. Because of my height and general size (I might add that I am not fat, just big), wearing a smaller breast form would be useless and I might as well not bother. When I first started, I toyed with the idea of going with a DD or even larger but felt it is important to keep things in proportion as best I could as I wanted to appear as a woman not as some sort of artificially enhanced androgyne (just because I am one doesn't mean I have to advertise it).
@rebeccabaxter I'm 2" taller and maybe 5kg heavier than you, with a 38" frame and no upper body at all in male terms. But I still have to use the biggest hip forms I could find, also 4" I think, because I have no hips at all otherwise. As a result, I feel I can get away with forms (also asymmetric) that add up to a 38DD when combined with my natural A-cup moobs. The combination is enough to look nicely curvy and keep my belly in proportion even in bodycon dresses (at least, when the belly's held in with a mild hook and zipper corset - guess where the extra weight all went 🙄). I also have some smaller triangle forms that come out at about a 38C, which work fine but don't have quite the same impact. The problem I find is that such big hips are also very long, starting not far above my knees, so I can't wear some of my shorter dresses with them on unless I'm also wearing thick tights or leggings. This is fine for winter, but for the warmer weather this year I'm going to get another smaller, shorter set of hip forms. I'll also be looking for dresses that flare more from the waist if they're going to be short - there's no point in having lovely long smooth legs if you can't show them off 😉
I'm 5'10" and 160lb, and always wear a 38C.
Years ago, when I was able to have my monthly night out, I was in the ladies room and a GG started chatting to me. I was wearing opaque tights, because I couldn't shave my legs. The GG was generally complimentary about my outfit, then frowned and said, quite earnestly, "Your tights are too think and your boobs are too small. You need bigger boobs".
I was wearing a 38C at the time, but I later realised my padding had slipped. It looked like I had a pair of tangerines stuck to my chest.
There is no tried and true rule, other than what makes you feel comfortable. Personally, I have always been more attracted to the more athletic bust lines. As such, I model my bust line in the same manner.
I am 6 foot plus, built like a bear, and wear a size 48 band. My natural breasts are a small B cup, but I usually use forms to bring my bust line to a solid B cup to small C cup.
While I will agree that my bust line is on the smaller side for a woman my height and build, I am happy with the bust line, and do not look to change it.
MacKenzie Alexandra
I'm a fan of "Girl Talk with Paola". She says for most either a B or C will be fine. That size will give a good balanced look.
When I had my one and only bra fitting I was told I had the frame for a D. I tried a D and it just wasn't me.
Hi Brandie,
Well, after reading all these replies, let me chime in with my thoughts. I am a trans woman, actually an intersex female. I came equipped with my own A/B cup boobs. I'm only 5'6" and 170 lbs but I am a bigger girl, broad in the chest and shoulders.
I've gone for several bra fittings at lingerie stores. Each time I was told that a C cup would be the minimum for a proper fit on my frame, and a D cup would likely look more proportionate for most outfits. I wear a size 42 bra and have both C and D forms. If its a loose fitting item of apparel I go with the D, and the C's will go with anything that is a snug fit. Take a peek at my public photos and you can see how they look, smaller forms would not work at all and I certainly wouldn't go past my D's.
Ms. Lauren M
used to be a 40c and then aftere hormones now a 44c
would love to be a D or even a DD
Natural women come in all shapes and sizes, some have very small boobs, others with quite large ones, so really it's what you are comfortable with as others have already said.
One advantage you have when using forms is the ability to change breast size. Wear B or C when going out and doing regular things, then upsize to DD's or so for a different occasion, as long as you want to spend the money on bras and forms.