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My stories range from angry girlfriends/girlfriends jelouse of my clothes to weirded out boyfriends to a couple of guys that got what they deserved (and then some).
I think I will start with my ex-fiance. She knew about my feminine nature before we got together, hell, she was a bit attracted to it. The first 4 years were pretty playful, yes, we had our fair share of fights and angry make up sex. But for the most part, she was cool with, or said she was ok with, my dressing up. Year 5 rolls in and I think that's when my girl side snapped and wanted to have a more expanded woredrobe. My fiance was getting jelouse of my ever growing woredrobe and even getting worried that I would show up to family dinner at her father's dressed up. To be fair, I was going a bit fast and ignoring some important warning flags. Well, tension came to full boil that summer and the engagement was called off. I moved in with my cousin, a die-hard conservative Republican, so Tempest got put in a box (well, several boxes). The thing is, those boxes never made it, Tempest had better taste than my ex and my ex knew it. She kept everything I purchased for herself.
The breakup was 2011, I am just now back in a place where I can let Tempest back out to be who I truly feel I am.
I hope you are still getting out. It would be a shame to let those clothes go to waste.
Sorry to hear, such a lost in time. glad you are rebounding and bringing Tempest in your life. Missing a big part in oneself and not being able to bring that out is difficult and certainly stressful and happy things are turning around. Tempest is back and I assume wants to be shown. Best to you and have wonderful times ahead.
Stephanie 🌹
That's exactly why I think it is INSANE to come out to SOs . They SEEM cool with it at first then a few years down the road they grow to resent it. I think they think it's cute and just a passing fad when they find out but when they realize it's never going away, they turn on you. Some of you that have, seem to be doing well (so far) and I'm truly happy for you but fear THE DAY is coming. After my divorce I swore to NEVER get involved with another woman again. I got ME to keep myself content and nobody but myself to answer too.
Tempest is here to stay, for the most part. Aside from my parents and my cousin, they whole heartedly do NOT approve of Tempest. But, I live 3 hours from my parents and here soon I'm really not going to care about what my cousin thinks.
The reason it has taken me so long to get back to Tempest is that after the engagement was called off (back story, I was a bit of a drug addict from 2003 to 2013), my life and addiction spiralled out of control. Between jail and just trying to rebuild my life, it was sadly easier to put Tempest on the back burner entirely. Treatment helped, but I wasn't able to truly be me till just recently. I do owe my being sober today to The PRIDE Institute in Eden Prairie, MN, the only LGBTQ treatment facility in the nation.
Having to rebuy everything is the more painful part of it all.