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I came out for the first time to one of my friends yesterday. I'm absolutely overwhelmed with emotion, I haven't had dry eyes since then, and I'm welling up just writing this post.
'G' came up from Cornwall, on his way up north. A bit of a trip, so a great excuse for him to stop over to break the journey. I took him to my 'local' for a couple of drinks, and met up with a couple who are best friends. I live in a small but touristy sort of place, so it's not uncommon that some find their way to the pub. This time there was a guy there that could have been me. An oldish ex hippy, ponytail, but also hairclips in place and wearing a 'interesting' top that was multicoloured but quite muted pastel colours. And he had a smile and look on his face that I see everyday - in my mirror. I got a brief glint of recognition from him, and would have loved to sit and have the crack, but I just got the feeling that I'd be pushing a bit , and left him be. I just knew there was a cross dresser lurking there ...
Was that what got me thinking? I know it's been bubbling under for a while now. So I took G home and made us a curry, and decided. 'This is it, I'm going to come out, at least to G' . But every time I thought 'do it now!', I still backed off. So 'Question Time' was starting on the the TV and I found myself saying 'I've got something really serious to talk about. Let's watch this program, and then we'll talk. But don't let me back out.'
I don't remember much of the program. I didn't have a prepared script, and kept thinking how do I say this? The program ended, and he looked over expectantly - 'well? ' . I started humming and harring, quickly welled up, and finally , blam, I said "3 little words. I'm a transvestite' . And for sure, he was surprised and curious but it didn't faze him one little damn bit!
The dam had burst and he let me whitter on and on. I pulled up my cdh photo on the laptop and it stayed there for the rest of the evening. At some stage he gave me a great big hug, which seemed to last forever.
Was he supportive ? You bet! 'You can't stop with just me, you know. I can't believe your two stepdaughters will at all be bothered", he said. And 'look you know your best friends (the ones who live in the village) aren't going to be a problem'. Yep, I'm I'm going to have to work on that.
He and I enjoy going horse racing - our objective is to visit every racecourse in Britain over time. So bless him, he even offered to escort me to Ladies Day at Ascot racecourse, if I ever get the nerve to dress up for it. What a lovely incentive! Is that a good friend or what?!
Oh, and something else I realised. Don't treat others as if they can't possibly know anything about the subject. He's in his late 60s. I didn't use the word 'transvestite' intentionally, but given his age, perhaps I was thinking that was a safer word than trans or cross dresser which he might not quite grasp. Silly, silly Emma. He's been around the block. At some point he told me an embarassing tale of his own where he'd 'blanked' a woman sat next to him at some conference or other. He did in fact know her, but didn't recognise her, because previously he'd only met her as a male persona.
G has hit the road now. He's stopping over on his way back, on Saturday. I wont be there but he's got a key. And he knows my third bedroom is full of Emma. I've told him he can ferret about to his hearts content, lol. Now that's a welcome change from having to 'tidy up' 😉
That's it. I'm done. I should have edited this down, so thanks for getting to the end.
Hugs to all you lovely, lovely ladies on cdh. I wouldn't have this tale to tell without you all !
Emma xxx
It's the early evening the day after the reveal. I went down to my friends in the village. They're more than friends. They married nearly 40 years ago in the same place I love / live in now. I was 'best man'. We've lived in each others pockets and been there for each other a lot.
I took a bottle of wine and it was much much easier this time. Why it took decades, I just don't know. Their reaction was pretty much "So ?". I wasn't quite as emotional as last night and fielded some questions. It was a case of 'we don't care and we love you anyway'. But actually in a lovely way, I think they do care. They worry for me. I can see a few 'yes, but what if ...' questions coming. And that fine.
Tomorrow by pure chance, I'm catching up with my daughters and their families at a petting zoo. 3 hours away, I'll be staying over at one of them at their place. I'm really really hoping I can catch the moment and share with them. Fingers crossed !
And here's bit more love to you all xxx
Oh Emma, what a lovely experience for you hun. You go girl. I'd love to just show my pics to someone in my 'real' world but it's not going to happen. You should take up G's offer. I mean how much fun would it be choosing an outfit for Ascot Ladies Day? xx.
Thanks ever so much Chrissie. Your time will come I'm sure. Yes, and the outfit would probably blow out my bank balance 😉 There's a lot of competition on any ladies day!
There is so.ething specual about openning to someone like this. I did with my cousin a few years ago. I wasn't worried in the least about her response and it was as expected. She was accepting but curious.she asked questions and I showed her pictures. While it is great to have a forum like this to discuss things, having a real, live flesh and blood person to tall to is special.
Emma, this is wonderful news, congratulations honey 🙂 You obviously accept yourself for who you are, so now you can let the rest of the world start to do the same, and the process is underway. It's so cathartic isn't it! Like he said, it doesn't stop with just him, you've got a lot more of these conversations ahead of you, I hope they're all as joyful 🤗
I can so very much relate to your experience with 'G.' When I came out to a good friend of 30 years, his reaction was on the order of, "Um. OK. Are you gonna to eat that potato?" Lol!
On a later occasion when he invited me over to his place, I decided to go en femme. He didn't miss a beat, and treated me no differently than if I were drab. It was then I realized he was more accepting of Charlotte than I was (and probably still am) at the time .
Tragically, he is now in hospice. I dearly hope the doctors have their heads up their posteriors and that he makes a recovery, but it doesn't look good.
"It was then I realized he was more accepting of Charlotte than I was (and probably still am) at the time"
Hi Charlotte. I find that comment so insightful. Thanks.
Thanks for sharing your story Emma. Feels good to finally get it off your chest, doesn't it? I found that, after nervously telling the first few friends about Fiona, I actually looked forward to telling others because it made me feel so good to introduce them to the real me.
Thank you, Emma, for sharing your story about coming out. Acceptance is a wonderful feeling, especially when a friend or family member supports you. I'm happy for you, sister. 😊
that's so much appreciated, thanks a bunch Revel., you're a star
You wrote. "Sit and have a crack." I'm wondering if you meant "Have a chat " or is "Have a crack," a local cultural expression/ colloquism?
Great story.
Hi Peta,
Thanks for asking. Sometimes my fingers get ahead of my brain, and I forget / fail to edit it out. I should have said "the crack" which is a distinctly Irish term for having a good time chatting, or more seriously sometimes getting to know what the other is all about.
True story No 1. I was in the back of beyond in an Irish village. In the morning. I saw a bar with the door open, went in and said a little bit incredulously "oh, are you open then?
The answer?
"No, we're not. But would you like a drink while you wait?"
. Ha ha ha!. And we proceeded to "have the crack".
Hi Emma,
Thanks for sharing your good news!
Hi Emma,
Take care,