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It's time for turkey but do I dare
For my little black dress, maybe to tight to wear
Stuffing and such, great things to eat
My heels won't fit, as swell will my feet!
And when Santa comes round
In his lap will pose
While his Elfs all will stare
At my silky smooth hose!
Rebecca...........You are so poetic sweetie! You need a turkey day and Christmas Day spandex skirt or leggings for those bad boys. Now that I have read this....are turkeys you buy, male or female????
Again........love your poems! Like Turkey.....please ma'am may I have some more??.
Dame Veronica
May Your Stuffing be Tasty
May Your Turkey be Plump
May Your Potatoes and Gravy
Have Nary a Lump
May Your Yams be Delicious
And Your Pies Take the Prise
And May Your Thanksgiving Dinner
Stay Off Your Thighs!!!!!!
Dame Veronica
Thanks Rebekka and Dame Veronica! Both poems brought a smile to my face! Happy Thanksgiving!
You too Dame Veronica! and I just noticed I misspelled "Poem!" Sigh!
Well, looking between the legs of my turkey I'd say it is androgynous!
Love and kisses!
Happy Thanksgiving (and taking!), Michelle!
X's and O's!
hi rebekka. lovely poem, you are talented! happy thanks giving day from the uk!
fiona xxx
Thank you Fiona!