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Close the window.
There's nothing outside.
All the fears of the world
fit in this room,
heartbeats resonate far and wide,
and hope flickers in the offing.
So close the window
and leave it out.
Doubts assail me with relative ease
in solitude with my thoughts.
All life transits in a jiffy.
Memories are old postcards,
a collection of yearnings.
A tear slips down my cheek
while I try to regain courage
when reality overwhelms,
all alone with my heart
Thanks for sharing. Absolutely beautiful
"Oh my " A stillness is in my mind, this certainly puts one in deep thoughts of life all around us. Wonderful words. ...🌹
Beautiful as always Gisela!
Dears Kayla, Stephanie and Cyn:
I am glad you three like it. Thanks for your lovely comments. Definitely I have found poetry at CDH. I feel inspired. I am honored that you enjoy my poems. Someone said that writers build ideas for others and sometimes readers discover approaches that the writer himself has not warned. I share my poems with great pleasure. They are a novelty for me. You encourage me to keep going.
Cinnamon kisses 💋