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Be you tiful

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Posts: 5134
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Illustrious Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Be You Tiful


Standing in front of bathroom mirror


Who I am isn’t any clearer


Man, woman, boy, or girl


Desperate and afraid to show my feminine self to the world


Friends advice echoing in my mind


Seeking for the courage within I must find


Not caring what others think about you is easy to say


The hard part is actually living that way


Looking for any spare alone girly time


Always looking over my shoulder as if I’m committing a crime


Lipstick, blush, eye shadow all in front of me


Hoping a beautiful girl I will soon see


I just want to feel be you tiful


Starting with the foundation on my face


The manliness I hope to erase


Making all the same color on my skin


Unleashing the inner girl within


Moving on to the pink blush


Dipping the powder onto my brush


Applying to each cheek


Bringing inner beauty to out is what I seek


Moving onto the eyes


Praying to make them look sexy and not like a guys


Pink glittery eye shadow


Awaken her beauty from down below


Curling the lashes so they are pretty


I’m so happy to feel like me


I just want to be you tiful


Moving on to mascara to hold the curl


Looking more and more like a girl


Lashes so black and long


Becoming who I have wanted to be all along


Grabbing eyeliner and adding wings


Happiness to my eyes it brings


Glitter on my eyes so bright


Smiling at the sight


Lashes so black and curly


Smiling at becoming girly


I just want to be you tiful


Sprtiz on some flowerly scent and be perfumed


Let my boy side disappear and be consumed


For lips do I go pinks or reds


Look like a girly girl or turn boys heads


Inner Taylor takes over


Grabs the red lipstick for the makeover


Applying it nice and slow


Not having a lot of time, but no where to go


Now for the final touch the lip gloss


To show whos the sexy girl, whos in control, the boss


Smiles explode I feel happy


Finally feeling like me


I just want to be you tiful

4 Replies
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New Member
Joined: 1 second ago

How nice! I'll see you in the moon light.. I'll be the one in the skirt.


Posts: 2144
Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Chloe.....well said girl. I envey you being able to write poetry............

Encore, Encore....

Dame Veronica

Posts: 1100
Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

So nice. Describe a process to find oneself among so many detours and denials. You prevail after all. A good poem, Chloe. Keep writing.



Posts: 5134
Topic starter
Illustrious Member
Joined: 9 years ago

I so enjoyed your thoughts here.

That step by step process that you chose brings it all together so neatly, so appetisingly.

Big hug!


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