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It is a strange concept when you cannot feel
When your fears and nightmares are all to real
You’re numb to the happy, and numb to the sad
Your only emotion is when mood swings make you mad
They called it depression, or anxiety, or bipolar one
You dissociate to keep yourself safe and mentally hide from everyone
The hurt and pain is very real, it’s hard to describe
You see the doctor and the solution is more pills to prescribe
Like Lenny Kravitz said, I want to get away, I want to fly away
Fantasizing and Zillow shopping for a new place to stay
Starting over in a new town, with a new home and a new name
You get discouraged when you realize the pitfalls and burden will all be the same
Then I find Dr Z on YouTube and her videos speak to and refresh my soul
Maybe it really is dysphoria, that is keeping my life from becoming whole
So you dive into research to learn what you can about authenticity and gender
Now there is hope, and wholeness,and positive self esteem you never want to surrender.
Lovely prose Indigo...
Captivating. Thank you for sharing.