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Duchess Annual
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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

One comes out one morning,

after having lost the fear,

with red lips and face makeup,

with her head held high and her gaze steady,

wearing a sober dress,

that goes unnoticed,

and combine with high heels

and silk stockings.

One feels that the breath is shortened,

that the soul is stuck

and the heart beats desperately.

One feels that she should not have done it,

that she would pay dearly for the daring

and stops for a moment, look around,

and noted that the world has not changed,

that nobody notices anything new in the way.

Then take a deep breath and continue,

without fear

with pride

as she should always do.

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This inspires me, and I would like to add a composition of my own on this topic;


Shedding the drab like the skin of a snake

Soft satins and silks make her skin feel awake

The kisses of makeup, so soft, warm and scented

The hair in position like it was intended

She slips on her boots, wooly hat and coat

Takes a deep breath and feels the fresh air in her throat

Takes the first steps up the long garden path

Maybe the neighbours have seen - well let's hope they laugh

Stepping out of the driveway and 'long the busy road

It's a short way to the field gate, but the path seems to've growed

At last at the gate, she shakes out her blonde hair

Plants one boot then another in the earth which is there

Following the path, all her cares melt away

For today feels like freedom - at last! Bless the day!

Taking care not to stride like a man she walks on

Til the feeling is natural, and all fear is quite gone

A lady approaches, with a small dog at her side

"Hello, lovely morning!" and a smile deep inside

The journey continues, along paths, across fields

Down a small country lane, but no people it yeilds

Til she comes to a church, which is locked, what a bore

So she places her hand, very soft, on the door.

I ask for forgiveness for all sins I have made

As I forgive those who made me suffer as a maid

And after a pause, to let the love flow

She turned on her heels, to follow the path home.

I cannot even begin to measure

The worth of that countryside walk - a real treasure

The sunshine was spun gold, the grass rich and green

The sheep in the pastures were calm andserene

Even the insects at play in the air

Played music that was sweet with the birdsong so rare

All these things she noticed, with the swish of her dress

She didn't even notice that her fear was now less.





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