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My, oh my
When I get me some time
To relax and engage with my feminine side
I first run a bath - extra bubbly and warm
With lots of peppermint salts and lavender oils
While the tubs filling I pick out an outfit
Like this plaid mini skirt and pink crop top that matches
I lay them both out, the tub continues to fill
I enter my closet and come out with high heels
The tubs getting full so I turn off the water
All I need now are some stockings and a garter
I walk to my dresser and open it’s drawers
My, oh my I’ve got quite the assort
I grab the white set cuz I know they’ll look good
With my white see through panties that are in the next drawer
I walk back to the skirt and pink top on my bed
With the white thigh high stockings, garter and panties in hand
The outfits complete and so I stop and I think
Who needs a bath when I can dress up in pink