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You let her out when you want but not for others to see.
You build her up then put her away hidden lock and key.
If you see her she is a beauty force to be reckoned with;
some call her shame, but I see a parcel gift.
She is timid, shy and so kind and sweet.
Only few can see her for she lies underneath.
Buried in a soul desperately wanting to be seen.
She is joyful, fun, and loving.
One day the world will see what I see.
You see wrong; but I see Persephone.
by wife
ps I cried. Still do.
Dear Persephone......what a lovely poem! Thank you for sharing that with us.
Dame Veronica
My pleasure! My wife wrote it and I tear up every time I read it. Maybe cuz it's for me or she wrote it not sure. I thought I would post it❤️
Those are such beautiful words from someone who loves you very much. Thank you for sharing, you are one lucky girl!
That poem is so very lovely sis! It is obvious that she loves you for you and how rare is that in this world! I to am lucky to have a wife who accepts and supports me. Love and hugs. TTFN💋👠
I just want to hold you tight. Have you rest your head on my shoulder!
Loved it.