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Let's call the whole thing off.

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Joined: 1 second ago
You say either and I say neither
You say neither and I say either;
Either, neither, Neither, either
Let's call the whole thing off!
You want to wear pants

I want to wear slackes
You want to wear shirts
I want to wear blouses
Pants? Slackes? Shirts? Blouses?
Let's call the whole thing off
You want miniskirt
with long leather boots
I want a dress
With high heel shoes
Miniskirt? Leather Boots? Dress? High heel Shoes?
Let's call the whole thing off.
You like lipsticks
I like eyeshades
I dont like lipsticks
You dont like eyeshade
What I like you dont like
What you like I dont like
Let's call the whole thing off.
We better off,
Calling all off.
Just Call The Whole Thing Off.
2 Replies
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Joined: 1 second ago

I'm old enough to remember the original version - Fred Astaire if the brain cell are still intact - But I like yours, too.

Posts: 808
Prominent Member     Louisiana, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I’m not quite old enough to remember the song, but thanks to Bettylou’s clue, I found a clip of the dance routine on YouTube. Your lyrics mesh closely with the original. And for the CDH audience, a clever adaptation it is! Although not singing as they danced, watching Fred and Ginger perform their routine on roller skates brought a smile to my face.

But let’s not call anything off just yet! I’m hoping to dress ‘til I drop!


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