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This is dedicated to my soulmate and confidante, my wife😘
As I sit here and contemplate on a life which has been.
I remember snippets, snapshots if you wish, of faces more from now than then.
Who I am my beautiful wife wishes to know.
So I partially dress en femme for her to show.
I am this being which you see before you now.
I am man and woman but I know not how.
Few have I ever told as I have never been so bold.
But all that I am is yours, my dear, to forever hold.
Trepidation and angst you have plus I see fear.
Your pain and love I also see so I shed a tear.
For your inner beauty to behold I can see it is quite clear.
So I shall be yours always and forever from year to year.
You accept me, a being as whole, for who I am.
Danielle Rose Fox is neither man nor woman at 100% per gram.
But a blending of both in harmony which is called gender fluid.
I couldn’t find a rhyme, except for this, a Stonehenge Druid.
From Danielle Rose Fox and a man to my wife whom I love.
She gives me peace as who she is, the beautiful white dove.
You, my dear, try to shield me from grief, agony, and strife.
You are My Love, My Life, and ,above all, you are always, My Wife.
Aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that is so friggin sweet!!!! Beautiful dear beautiful!!!
Thank you so much sis! I know I am so very lucky and I tell her every day. It becomes so blasé so I figured a nice poem should be better than just words. We are Both very lucky dear. TTFN💋👠
I LOVE the DRUID rhyme!😀 but seriously this is lovely Danielle. Thank you for sharing and congrats to you and your wife for loving and accepting each other!
Thank you so much Cyn! I hadn’t read anything in this forum since I joined so I thought it was about time. I am so happy that I did. Many think poetry is for women and women write most the best in modern times. If the quality of what I have read here is any sign I would say we are definitely all women! I was inspired to write something for my wife. 45 minutes later, lunch time, I typed it up and here it is! I wish we all had acceptance and support from our SOs. Love and hugs TTFN💋👠
Just love to hear from that of a happy relationship . There is nothing like the love of a significant other who with her or his acceptance makes light of a beautiful thing. Thank you for sharing .🌹
Thank you so much Stephanie. I have said this quite a lot. My wife is accepting and supporting. I couldn’t ask for more. TTFN💋👠
This is lovely. I hope to be this for my husband.