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Take the events of life and throw them into a blender
Then maybe the results will reveal my gender
My life has been filled with depression and anxiety
It’s hard to believe I am a productive member of society
But now I have awoken, one thing is for sure as it comes into view
I am finding my true self, oh how I wait for the day that when the world sees me
That they look less at the man, and her inner beauty comes shining through
Indi, many of us are just like you
Your words on the page ring so true
It's a rare skill indeed, to put feelings into words
But you do with the ease that flight comes to birds
So thanks for your post, I hope to see more
And like the birds in the sky, spread your wings and soar 🕊️
Indi, your inner beauty has been shining through ever since I’ve known you. I know you are on a new track amd I hope it makes you the happiest girl on the planet.
absolutely lovely spoken that is truly inspiring and so well worded
I hope your inner beauty does shine through.