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You came into my room and huddled at the end of the bed with malicious intent to do harm to what's sacred. I can still feel you from the night before; I trusted you only to be betrayed behind closed doors. I pretend to be asleep frozen in time wishing to god to be rid of this crime. Violated and rolled over with shock in my heart, what were you thinking when you torn me apart. Not sure if I was unaware or blocked it out, but I can't find humor with you now. I'm older. I understand why I said what I said screaming at the toilet, the day I threatened you with a bullet. When you were young death tried to take you early, so I was told, maybe he knew you had no mercy. The doctors saved you from death's journey only to deliver me in your place, isn't that funny. Hades took me to be his bride when you were the guilty one for infanticide. You're the reason everyone hates me; you sold me to a slave ship on the Dead Sea. Goddess or not, you made me. I can't stand that your alive it's disgusting. Why won't you answer? I'm not fine; you're the god damn doctor now saving lives. Guess mine didn't matter at the time. One day the hunt will be on at night. You're a lion, please. You sit on your ass with no apology or no guilty conscious, pretending to bring home the dinner when it's this lioness. Don't confuse weak with meek! I've been marking my rages' attendance, she is sure she will have her vengeance. I'm almost at my wits end without a word to spew. Only thing left is for the bullet to push through. Believe me I have tried to let it go; I even moved hours away to work in the snow. For now, I'll keep this precious token for the night that you'll realize what you have broken.
Maybe this is too dark. I should add that this is how I feel but I'm just venting not really planning on murdering anyone. 🙂 Just showing how I felt inside not so long ago. Poetry is a better outlet than committing a crime. So sorry if this scared anyone. Call off the troops. You can delete it if you want. Probably should have put this up at the beginning. And I know there really isn't anything good to say.
Hey Persephone,
Wow that was intense! As vivid as the words paint scenes in my mind I want to reach out into your darkness and calm your mind. Venting is good and can start the healing process but only if that is what you wish. I am not a counselor or shrink but sometimes just talking to someone can help to calm the mind. Just thought I would offer to talk if you want. Hugs and love sister!❤️💋👠
Do you feel better? Sometimes venting is best. Not in any way to hurt yourself or others but as words can be as damaging as physical actions , it's safer to verbally express ones self but also as important is to deescalate theses angers as it doesn't help the emotional tensions inside. Best to help yourself, as for me I look for a quiet place, get dressed up a feel better about my thoughts and feelings and figure on happier things. Release is key ,no one should hold on to such troubling thoughts. 🌹
My dear Persephone. Sweetie....what brought these thoughts upon you? I don't understand your distress.A lot of people have had serious issues in their past lives. I was told that vengance is like a bucket with a hole in it. The more you pour in, the more with flow out. When I was in Vietnam....I lost a lot of my fellow troopers. I was bitter and raging inside at the enemy. Revenge weighed heavily on my mind and in my actions. The more I raged the more the enemy killed and like a tornado, things just kept swirling. It was all for nothing and it just ate me up inside. In order to survive I had to turn stone cold. After 50 years it is starting to abate. Don't destroy your life over the past. Block it out and move on. If you need help with this.....do contact me.......I will help. My door is always open to you.......come on in and I will help you on the road to forgiveness and inner peace. When you are ready, let me know. Your sister.........
Dame Veronica
I appreciate the comment and love ❤️. I should have put a disclaimer in the front of this poem. I do feel this way and often fantasize about the confrontation. But with that being said that is why I wrote the poem really to vent. I don't know it just creeped up in my older age. I get angry and I know where it comes from. The main reason I posted this is to let anyone who has ever experienced this that you are not alone. I'm right here with you and if you're reading this I'm crying with you. Hugz. But I'm ok dame :)) promise 5 to 6 months ago yea, maybe not. I know it's a little strong but if I can't be real here then where can anyone? I think next time I'll give a preface first. Especially a advocation of non violence. I'm sorry you went through that dame that really sucks. Love ya sis.