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Day Dreaming

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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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This may be an old topic and I apologize if it is.

Do you ever get caught in a daydream thinking about wearing a certain outfit? Shopping for things? Or dating a certain someone? Lately I have been thinking a lot of dating and how I will dress to impress my date. I think about accessories and what fragrance. Oh well I love getting lost in my thoughts.

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
Posts: 1103

@katey I daydream sometimes about an outfit, or a dressing scenario (job, role, fashion), then off I go and get dressed in the closest thing I have.

It's fun and very creative to cone up with an outfit yo match the daydream.

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Reputable Member     Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 142

@katey Day dreaming got me through many years of marriage when I was locked in the closet, thankfully that door has been opened.

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
Posts: 1209

@katey I am always daydreaming about girly things.  A lot of the time it's new styles I want to try out or where I can find something I saw.   When I lay in bed in the morning before I get up, I'm always thinking about the outfit I will wear that day.

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 485

@katey Daydreaming yes, especially if I see someone wearing something I would love to wear. I'm almost always spending some time during the day thinking about my clothes, what I would like to add to my wardrobe, where I would wear it and so on.

I used to hate "Wheel of Fortune". Now we tune in nightly to see what Vanna is wearing and we discuss her outfit. Do we like the color, the fabric, the style. Would I wear it, would it look good on me. 


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Estimable Member     London, United Kingdom
Posts: 102

@katey when I'm between sleep and wake I sometimes daydream that a certain lady (that I'm very fond of) is doing my makeup, and after that we go shopping together, helping each other find the perfect outfit. Haven't had the courage yet to come out to her IRL.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1839

@katey Absolutely! With me it's dresses. I saw a dress I loved in Cardiff in August. Didn't buy it. I was back in Cardiff a couple of months later, found the same shop, bought the dress, I just had to have it and daydreamed about trying it on.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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I understand I often think a lot about my outfits and what I’m going to wear next time usually if I’m bummed 🫤 I think about my crossdressing and brings a smile to my face 

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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I day dream every night until I fall asleep 

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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If I didn't day dream through life, I'd go sane. No, that's not a typo 😂

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I often wonder who doesn't daydream about new outfits. It's a perfectly ....................................................................Sorry where was I.....

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Interesting topic and yes I do. There isn't any rhyme or reason to it, there are times that my mind will wander to thinking about dressing. It could be watching TV and seeing a pretty outfit wondering what I would look like int it or in the store shopping and seeing something and wondering the same thing. It is easy to let the mind drift off into CD thoughts, they help to relax me. 

Pleasant dreaming ladies.


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Prominent Member     The Hub City, New Jersey, United States of America
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i do this with some frequency. Since I began to crossdress actively CD thoughts are never far from my mind - almost obsessive at times. I think about outfits, combinations, events coming up or things I would like to do en femme, meeting up with friends etc. I don't mind at all - it's  a fun place to go in your mind and perfect  during times when dressing up is not possible

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Estimable Member     Avon, United Kingdom
Joined: 9 months ago

With opportunities to dress becoming infrequent I sometimes amuse myself thinking about what I am likely to be doing in the coming day (or days) and how, given the freedom to do so, I would dress.  Since my style is more 1950s/60s/70s "cosplay", it's going to be dresses or skirts with appropriate underwear rather than trousers.  I find it interesting that, in male mode I would hardly need to give it any thought at all whereas in my version of female mode choosing the wrong type of skirt or bra or stockings/tights or suspenders/girdle or shoes to match what I plan to do could have quite awkward consequences.


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