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Feeding the Sheep

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It’s been said that life wasn’t meant to be easy. Sometimes, no matter how hard we wish for something or how hard we try to achieve a goal, those things just seem to slip through our grasp.

When negative things happen in our lives it can be very easy to become disheartened and even depressed. Being unable to resolve those issues can often be terribly frustrating but one thing I’ve come to realise is that if we look carefully enough sometimes even the direst situation can have the potential for a positive outcome. Often it comes down to how we see that situation.

I may plant the most certain seeds of plans for my life yet like everything else in nature, I won’t necessarily have a lot of control over how those plans work out. So, these days I try to look at life from the point of view that I’ll decide what to do once those seeds sprout and the plants emerge.

If they emerge as flowers then I’ll share their beauty with others. If they emerge as weeds then all is not lost. I can still feed the sheep.

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Famed Member     Richmond, Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Love this Jane as do ALL your writing. When life hand is you lemons, hum them back at the person who gave them to you.

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Trusted Member     Avon, Afghanistan
Joined: 8 years ago

I love your story Jane. Much of our life experience is about framing it in a positive way. Even the worst things can teach us and be used as building blocks for future life experience. And for me I have had to learn over and over and over that my plans might be nice but life has a fair share of randomness to it. Thanks again for sharing. I like the weeds to the sheep reference. Hope you don't mind my borrowing it sometime.


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The expression is yours to use as you see fit Donna. 🙂


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