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As the song goes: “you got to have a dream if you’re gonna have a dream come true.”
What is your CD dream.
[And before you ask, as I already appear on a song released in Nashville, my ‘CD’ dream has perhaps already been achieved ☺️]
As this song goes -
My dream is to be able to wear whatever I want in public whenever I want without any repercussions!!
❤️ Ashlyn
My dream happens to be my reality - living life full time as a woman.
Tuff one my SO to support and interact with Erin
The song I think is "Happy Talk" from the musical South Pacific. Am I right there? Anyway to my dream. If you've read any of my posts before you might have picked up I'm a roller skater. My CD goal for this year was to attend the Pride Roller Disco in June femme. My dream is for that to go so well that my skating friends accept that I'm gender fluid so I could go to my weekly skating session fully femme when I wish.
I have already had one dream come true a few weeks ago. It was a lovely summer's day just over 30 degrees so I had on some white flats that have bows and a summer dress with pantyhose. My makeup was everyday and I had on one of my two short red hair wigs. The thinnest one I only wear around the house. I was watching TV when my son came home. He saw me said hello grabbed a beer and then proceeded to chat to me. I said let's check outside as our patio is shaded and being close to the coast we usually get a nice breeze. We sat on the patio and just chatted away for about an hour. Sometimes I love the diversity as here I am fully femme drinking a beer with my son talking about football, cricket, politics and the best way to fix the rear brakes on my muscle car. The whole time it was natural. We are no different weather I'm in male mode with shorts and T shirt or female mode all dolled up in a dress. Now that for me is a dream come true.
My own CD dream is entitled:
”I have a dream, a song to sing”
Now, where have I heard those words before. Waterloo? I wonder. It is not important.
So, just imagine, in my dream, I manage to make it the 5000 miles to Keystone, just one bag and my guitar in hand, in my C&W cowboy man-attire, quickly coiffured ready to go on stage as part of the musical entertainment for the fine fine glittering glamorous sparkling champagne evening, ladies with their ladies, all alike. It is just before the interval, and the MC announces: “And tonight, Ladies, we have for your musical delight, all the way from London, England, the Grand Ole Opry award winning singer songwriter, put your dainty hands together please for the velvet-voiced… Valentine!!!”
I emerge, dressed in black, head to toe, looking out at a sea of beautiful, oh so beautiful ladies, in all their long-gloved fur and finery, fascinating fascinators, everyone, just beaming, over brimming with pure contented silk comfort. What a beautiful crowd, thinks I, such glamour and glitz. I loop the guitar around my back, plug in the DI cord, check the mic, tap-tap, we’re good to go. “Hello, my name is Valentine, just Valentine.” Then straight in with Folsom Prison blues, Fire & Rain, Fireflies and a few more original songs, the crowd are with me! He finishes. “Hey ladies, I’m gonna take a break now, go grab me a beer, but I’ll be right back after the break with a massive surprise for y’all, my sister, Valentina! Now, you stay right where you are…”
And in this dream, Valentine is then whisked away by the makeup girls for the quickest makeover you’ve ever seen, Valentine became, in a 15 minute instant, Valentina. He looked in the mirror and disbelieving, he did just see the closest resemblance of her, his late sister. But no time to stop n stare, back on stage, guitar ready again, quiet songs, love songs he soothed the crowd with a Brandy Clark medley, Hold My Hand & Just Like Him, then some more original songs, finishing off with Jolene, Jolene, Jolene. Eat ya heart out Dolly!
Sitting next to the group on the table, sharing tales with girls who up to that point had been just 2 dimensional names on a computer screen. He drew a deep disbelieving breath. For this was Heaven. CD Heaven.
The sun was rising, shining through a crack in the drapes.
Was that a dream? Maybe this dream would one day come true, he wasn’t quite sure about anything just now.
My dream was always to be able to dress without fear, shame or guilt. Part of that was also to have someone to share it with and not be alone in my closet forever.
I would say mine came true when I came out to my wife. She is fully accepting and helpful. I dress when I please which now is most every day, we go out everywhere together. I'd say I'm living my dream.