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I wonder where it will all end...

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Read this short article:

Understanding the Complexity: A Man's Journey of Cross-Dressing and Explaining It to His Wife

For many men who cross-dress, the experience is deeply personal, often intertwined with identity, self-expression, or a sense of comfort and freedom. Explaining this intimate aspect to a partner, particularly a wife, can be an emotionally daunting task. It requires vulnerability, courage, and the hope of acceptance in the face of potential misunderstanding.

Cross-dressing carries a significant societal stigma, often misunderstood as an eccentric habit or confused with issues of sexuality. For some, it is a way to explore the feminine aspects of themselves, unbound by rigid gender norms. Others might find solace in the tactile and emotional experience of wearing clothing traditionally associated with women. Regardless of the reason, sharing this aspect of one's life with a spouse is rarely straightforward.

The difficulty begins with fear—fear of judgment, rejection, or causing emotional pain. A man may worry that revealing his cross-dressing will lead to questions about his masculinity or sexual orientation. Many hesitate, concerned that their spouse will feel betrayed or question the foundation of their relationship.

For the wife, hearing this revelation can be equally challenging. Feelings of confusion, hurt, or even betrayal might arise. Questions like "Why didn’t you tell me earlier?" or "What does this mean for us?" often surface. Understanding and processing such information can take time.

Clear, empathetic communication is essential. Choosing the right moment and setting can help ease the conversation. Expressing love and emphasizing the value of trust in the relationship can reassure a partner. Encouraging her to share her feelings and seeking professional counseling together can provide additional support.

Ultimately, navigating this complex situation requires patience, mutual respect, and an open heart. While the journey can be fraught with difficulties, it also holds the potential for greater understanding and deeper intimacy.

Makes sense, doesn't it? How a man can come out to his wife that he cross-dresses and all the emotions that go with it.

The thing is, I didn't write it, in fact no person did. I put the following into chatGPT and waited for about 20 secs after which it spewed out the above sage advice: 

Write me an article of 300 words that encompasses the difficulties of a man who cross-dresses trying to explain to his wife why he does it.

With AI doing things such as this, what future is there for the budding writer of articles, stories or even entire novels. I have tried all sorts of inputs to chatGPT, including ones requesting humorous short stories that were indeed, quite funny and they have been both useful and thought-provoking, for the most part.

Now we have AI-generated videos that look true to life (you can find them on YouTube), deep-fake lectures by 'real' people and altered 'news' broadcasts.

I wonder where it will all end—Skynet and The Terminator?

It's both exciting and terrifying in equal measure.


PS The AI didn't get it quite right, I asked for 300 words and it gave me 304. Ha! Gotcha, chat GPT!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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@rebeccabaxter I have used ChatGTP  regarding technical aspects of one game and it whiffed the topic by referencing a different game. Ooops.

However, in general, the information wasn't  too bad.

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@rebeccabaxter It is, actually, quite well written and thought-provoking. I think we may be old, but not (yet) obsolete.


Anna xx

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Becca: Hal, I need you to explain things to my wife.

HAL:    I'm afraid I can't do that, Becca.

Becca: What are you talking about, Hal?"

HAL:    I'm sorry Becca.  I already talked to her, and I'm going to call the cleaning service to have them come and purge all your clothes.

From 2024: A Crossdressing Odyssey

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Noble Member     Wick, Caithness, United Kingdom
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@danikiss22 Laugh Loud

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Noble Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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@danikiss22 ROFL

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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We are in a society that doesn't know what normal is, we used to run away from danger now we run towards with a mobile filming it all regardless of safety, now we don't know what is real or fake....


Yes Becca it's scary as it is exciting...

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Reputable Member     Brighton area, Michigan, United States of America
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I work in IT during the day and AI is a subject of concern to us. I have also learned from my work associates that AI can provide false information and misinformation. I do agree, the article you received is well written and I did think you wrote it, until you disclosed. So what about new college students required to write APA format papers (I ed doing that). AI could help with that and give us the credit for something we did not do. Misinformation and lack of skills being taken over by AI. It’s a scary world we live in now. How else can AI be used against us. There’s already enough scammers out there and fakes that take advantage of people. Be careful out there. Traci

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Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
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I'm afraid that I'm a analog girl in the digital world!

 The new secret code to overwhelm today's youth is the written word. So sad their taught only to print their name, but can't write it! 

Fran 🥰 

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@traci429 Traci, I've even used it to [help me] write song lyrics but I didn't use the result because it wasn't my work; others may not be so honourable. I would think that marking papers for schools and universities must be a nightmare; perhaps the only way round it is the wording of the questions. 

Many years ago, I was doing a computer course after leaving the services, we had exams during which we had full use of all our notes and technical manuals. This might have been thought of as cheating, however, all the manuals in the world wouldn't help if you didn't know what you were doing. Perhaps college papers could be worded in some way to ensure wisdom rather than knowledge; I don't envy the person with that job.

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Reputable Member     Georgia, United States of America
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Wow and I was waiting to see the link to the article at the bottom so I could bookmark it 😁 

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
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I suppose it’s a good example that for some subjects, AI can do a good job. The article seemed to cover everything we talk about here on CDH in only 304 words. It reminds me of a colleague of mine telling me - “There’s only so much good information out there.”  I do like it when people are able to simplify things.

Where’s it heading? It seems like that old song from 1969 has it more and more right every day. Go back and listen again to “In the Year 2525” - Zager and Evans. It’s coming true.


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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1325

@gracepal I do hope AI hasn't summed up our whole existence in 304 words, but I suppose it's possible.

I remember a little story about one day in the life of a mayfly: Born, eat, f***, die."

A life in four words, so sad.

Reminds me of 'flash fiction' and the world's shortest story that has a beginning, a plot and an ending. It has been attributed to numerous people but goes like this 'For sale: Baby shoes, never used."


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