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I have used this website on biomotion to perfect my female walking style. Others may be interested in the key points that differentiate a female walk from a male walk. On the sit you are able to select male or female, the gate, the feeling to get an impression on how each gender walks.
Here is the website: https://www.biomotionlab.ca/Demos/webgl_walker/webgl_walker.php
I naturally switch. My wife saw it before I knew I did it. When I change clothes, I cross my feet a bit, and sway my hips, ( or the wish of them) I started paying attention when she called me out, and yeah, just do.
Unfortunately most.of the femme walk is due to anatomy, and face it most of us are just not built that way. We can fake it to a degree, but without the hips and butt we are never going to pull it off 100%.
...not that it isn't fun trying. We don't have most.of the attributes that we try and emulate, but with help we can do a good approximation at times. Mostly, I just don't care if I pull it off perfectly. I just enjoy being en femme even thoufh I am marginally passable. I know people know I sm.l a crossdresser when I.am.in public, and I am fine with that. It removes all.of the worry and stress and just allows me to be out and about.
ty for sharing this Barb. With just a little practice it does help. One needs to be conscious of swaying the hips with shoulders back and wrist facing out.
that was very interesting thanks for sharing
I have this older neighbour, when she walks she moves one hand back and forth as if she is conducting. I think it looks nice, very graceful.
I guess I can say that I am blessed, but was cursed when forced to live as a male. As JJ puts it, "without the hips and butt we are never going to pull it off." I was born as an intersex person, and when puberty set in, the hips and butt, along with thighs and boobs, came along for the ride.
When I was growing up and in school I had to endure being told by many that, "you walk just like a girl!" So today, living as a intersex trans woman, those physical attributes have proven to definitely be a blessing. When I'm wearing leggings or yoga pants I've received more than a few comments on how nice I can move, and look!
Ms. Lauren M
ps. Girls, watch that video and pay attention to your arms, your hands, your feet, and stand tall with your shoulders back - no slouching! Paying attention to those will make a very noticeable difference in how you walk.
I do know that our walks are kinda subjective, too. I consider myself queer, but genderfluid, maybe. I'm older and don't know all the new lingo. I'm male, but feel female, but not hard on myself for it. I do walk like a bro when I'm in Carhaarts and need to command a presence amongst monkey men. I sway my hips when I dress and relax. My wife doesn't do either. She doesn't, and I don't think many people, other than people like ourselves really think much about it. I didn't think about it. I don't know, I don't think anyone should affect something they don't feel natural with.
It's the slouching and the lurching gait that is a giveaway, both of which I am trying to correct by taking videos of myself walking and I am improving. Heels help a lot but sometimes I wear trainers and have to concentrate more.
On a humorous side note, it is interesting to watch from behind horses and cows where you can see that horses walk like men and cows walk like women -- seriously, check it out.
I was surprised several years ago to learn one can look much more feminine by eliminating just a few male traits we have, when we walk, sit, get in & out of a vehicle, etc.
There's always room for improvement, even though we may never achieve perfection. If wearing a wig & dress brings you satisfaction, that's perfectly fine. For me, I'm always striving to be more effeminate.
I love working on my walk. Even when I can't dress I enjoy wearing heels around the house and working on my "runway walk" Posture is everything, narrow gait, squeeze those thighs together girls and one foot in front of the other. My wife and I are amateur ballroom dancers. I highly recommend taking dance lessons, specifically Latin dances like Rumba or ChaCha. Learning good ballroom dance posture was extremely helpful to me.