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Anniversary yesterday. We are still strong

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yesterday was our anniversary. Thirty yrs 28 married. Three kids grown. That afternoon I gave her a tantric massage and made love to her as a woman and we had the most loving intimate exhilarating time in many years. If this is what my future holds I can face any obstacle and any prejudice. I have never felt so whole as a human as I did yesterday. I feel the woman inside me growing strong and beautiful. I see little changes in my appearance which are positive. Like since I began serious skin care I can have moments I am actually pretty. Lol not gorgeous but an attractive older woman. My wife calls me pretty not handsome and I get weak kneed. We are far from having it all worked out but where we are now and where I/we were just a year ago is beyond anything I thought would be my life. We are not to a point of going out with me en femme but as I find tune my figure and style I see us as girlfriend/lovers/soulmates and can’t wait to buy us both lovely flowing dresses and doing each other’s makeup.

That said even in a dress and makeup I am still the one who fixes shit, builds shit, and does dudely duties. So there will always be a hero for her and that makes accepting my fashion tips fun for us both. We talked yesterday and while I like makeup(need makeup) she is so lovely she needs barely a touch. We share tastes in clothes to a tee. Part of what is exciting me is the thought of shopping for new wardrobes for us both now that parenting is over.  Yes from trepidation to giddy girl.

Besos chicas 😘

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Posts: 7139
Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Beautiful  story and thank you so much for sharing . Happy Anniversary and many more to come. Your wife sounds amazing and to enjoy your passion with her together is truly wonderful. My  wife to is quite accepting but she's still processing . Both new to this but she's been open to suggestions and with agreements were too enjoying our new way in life. Happy for the both of you and have a wonderful time. 🌹

Posts: 2144
Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Happy anniversary Mariabella! I am a bit late but send you and your wife....a big annivesary hug and kiss each. Your both are shining examples of what a marriage should comprise of.  Here is to another 30 wonderful years.....

Dame Veronica

Posts: 1351
Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Happy Anniversary, Mariabella!  My wife and I are coming up on 18 years together and 12 married, so hearing about a loving relationship and an accepting wife is very encouraging.  She has accepted my desire to dress and has helped. I think that she would eventually go out with me in en femme mode once I do the same, tone and perfect my look.  Thank you very much for sharing - hugs, Michelle


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