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I decided to come out to my children and at first all three was accepting to me. However, now my oldest feels she has been lied to all of her life and says she won't be around. I don't know if this will prompt either of the other two to do the same. I'm feeling very sad and a failure causing pain to others.
I am so sorry to hear your troubles. Unfortunately it is impossible to predict how anyone is going to react to such news. The good sign is that they were all accepting to begin with. You will have to give them all time to adjust to this news, good or bad, and continue to love them unconditionally. You didn't intentionally set out to hurt them by sharing an important part of your life, so don't see this as having failed. Sad and painful, yes, but you can move forward now and hopefully rebuild. In time the eldest may see that you are both the parent they knew growing up and the person you are now. Be there when she needs you again.
*hugs* J.
Jessica.......you didn't say how old your children were. I guess that remark was hard to take but let her go....she may return at a later date when she has time to think about it. Most kids today are well aware of the variances in the human world and don't get all bent out of shape about it. Wait and see what happens. How does your wife feel about this? Daughters are very quick to follow mother in a lot of cases. I do hope this works out for you........
Dame Veronica
Veronica she is 32. My wife supports me and she was up set with my daughter. My younger daughter has ensured me she supports me. Looking like my son may have some questions but appears to be okay.
Thank for your help support
Hi Jasmine,
Thank you very much for this advise it means a lot to me!
My son came over to ask me questions. This went good. He said he understands but had a fear I was no longer me. However, I think he now understands I'm still the same person but more open giving them a chance to see who I have not allowed my self to be or show my internal feelings. My second daughter said she fully supports me. Oh and my son's girlfriend loves that I have opened up and wants to help me with makeup. 😊
Thank you all for you comfort and support.