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Don't know if this has been covered already, so I apologize if this has been answered numerous times, but here goes. After much introspection, I think I'm ready to start dating en femme. My question is, well, how to start? What dating apps are best? Or is it better to go out to clubs and meet people there? The person can be of any gender. I'm willing to experiment more. Also, this is just for fun. I'm not looking for any serious relationships, as I'm already in one, but we've both agreed on keeping the relationship open so we can find more about ourselves, if that makes sense. Anyway, would much appreciate some guidance here since I'm very nervous about this. Thanks all!
@orcharddwee If you're going to do it with confidence, then just do it as you would in guy-mode. Pop up a profile on a site or two (maybe CD specific ones, maybe not), get out and mingle, see what happens 🙂
Have to trust you ladys never even thought about this I would like one day to hang out with others but I wouldn’t call that a date more let’s rock the town and see what kinda trouble we get in lol 😆 sorry 😞 not a answer your looking for