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Hi everyone,
My ex broke up with me back in March, blocking me without explaining why he broke up with me very well. Anyway, he eventually unblocked me, and we were friends on Facebook for a time.
While in the relationship, I was an accepting partner and I bought a bunch of feminine clothes and I even gave him some of mine. When it was over, I let him keep them because I knew he’d not get any other feminine clothes again and I still cared about his wellbeing. In the previous breakup, he still had the clothes that I gave him by the time we got back together.
However, when he started “talking” to my “friend,” I was livid. I didn’t understand how he could show me such blatant disrespect after everything. As for my friend, she saw what the breakup was like for me, and she still went after my ex regardless. She said that it “just happened.” They’re both blocked now, but I want my clothes back. There’s a good chance that he still has them, considering the previous breakup. Some of that stuff was really nice, and I gave them out of the goodness of my heart. I don’t feel like he deserves that anymore.
So, my question is: how do I get my stuff back? Is getting my stuff back a good idea? Thanks for any advice.
Hi River
I don't fully know the situation, but I do remember chatting with you before, and it seems to me that you have put a lot into making this work, and it looks to me like you're getting a rough deal.
If you can put it behind you, I think that would be the best way. Probably not the easiest, but best in the long run.
You can always come back here for support, honey!
Love Laura
Hi River,
It is good to here from you. I’m so sorry about your position. I understand you must be frustrated and very hurt. I think if I was in your position I would not try to get the clothes back. These items are replaceable and getting them back might just bring memories that will be hurtful and not help you heal so you can move forward. Remember You are a wonderful woman
I say it is time to go shopping.
Kayla 💜
I understand how you feel, but bottom line you "gave" them to him, there fore they are his to do what he wishes with.
I know this is not what you want to here, but I woudl ask, why do you really want the clothes back? Is it to deny him being able to dress up, will you actually wear them if you get them back? To me is sounds more spiteful and wanting to get back at him..sorry if not what you wanted to hear.
Hey River,
Honestly. Life is far too short to hassle over the clothes, is it worth it to stay annoyed over this. Maybe the frustration is with the arse you thought was a friend.
Let them be, karma is a bitch and they will get it back someday. Move on and smile x