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my wife found a pair of panties in my briefcase I had forgotten about. We’re on holiday and she asked me whose they were - assuming an affair.
I straight away admitted they were mine and explained (as well as I could) about Emily - albeit not in those terms.
Partly relieved that the lies are over partly terrified at what next. Not entirely sure why I’m posting other than to share it - out on a long walk at the moment.
Oh, Emily.....
I'm sorry to hear this. This is also one of my worst fears. To have someone so close to you, find out about something that is so private. One way to look at this, is as a good thing. Now that shame and guilt of keeping secrets can vanish. You don't have to lie any more. The negative part is that now you are vulnerable to any ridicule from someone who you love so much.
I know its cliche, but, "what ever happens, is going to happen". You cant hide it anymore. And whatever does happen, remember you have lots of people who understand what you are going through. Reach out if you need any help.
As much as we see this event happen all the time...If your wife/So does not know about your dressing...They NEED to know. If they truly love you for who you are...they will be much better to hear it up front from you then to find it out and assume the worst..then feel deceit and not trust worthy and having been lied to for all thee years..
Hi Emily, do you mind me asking-Did she believe you?
Crossdressing in itself is harmless, an affair is a betrayal of trust,vows,friendship,love, and yet wonder which your wife would see as the most hurtful !
Hope you get the chance to sit down and explain your reasons for doing it, and for keeping quiet about it, and perhaps come to some compromise.
Keep your chin up.
<p style="text-align: left;">My advice...be TOTALLY honest with her from here on out. She will be looking for any signs of dishonesty after a shock like this. Lies are corrosive. And take an active role in keeping the lines of communication open. Don't push it but don't let it fester, undiscussed. At the end of the day at least you can look in the mirror and say you told the truth. My two cents anyway. Best of luck to you guys.</p>
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Yes. She did, and update: it’s turned around, she’s accepted (not embraced) Emily and today I had a proper makeover. So my world has turned 180°.
While my wife has not been open to my cding she knows when she finds something (which has happened a few times) it is mine.
So happy for you Emily !