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Meeting your spouse (enfemme) the first time

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Posts: 1488
Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

That’s awesome Patty, my sister who I’ve just recently come out to said she will go out with Ashley anytime.



Posts: 2296
Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

That's great Ashley. Going out can be quite a scary experience, but the excitement, thrill and rush is like nothing else.

Posts: 1488
Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

Patty I absolutely love the feeling of being out !  Doing it more and more all the time.


Posts: 683
Honorable Member     Wausau, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Yes it was girl friend time. The first time someone tried to pick me up. My girl thought it was quite funny. I thought it was funny but amazing.

Posts: 2296
Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Good for you Ashley. Enjoy being out. There is no greater excitement, thrill and rush once you get past the fear.

Posts: 748
Prominent Member     Florida, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Rachel, great topic. My situation is perhaps a bit different given I have a boyfriend, but the first time he saw me dressed was in a tight black dress during a candlelit dinner on the night we made love for the first time. He thought I looked great in the dress but he was especially excited and looking forward to see what I would wear to bed that night since I had told him a few days earlier that I wear lingerie to bed. I wore a breathtaking white lace/chiffon bridal nightgown/negligee to bed that he couldn't take his eyes off of and told me I looked absolutely gorgeous. The dress was one thing but nothing can compare to how he looked at me when he saw me in lingerie for the first time on our first special/romantic night together. It was an amazing moment and a *very* romantic night followed.

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Trusted Member     Ontario, Canada
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Jess,

It’s Heart warming to hear stories of wonderful relationships with our S.O, thank you for sharing. Everyone’s situation is unique, but as they say “love is love”.

I married a wonderful GG who is “vanilla” in the gender spectrum, so me being enfemme will not set-off sparks in terms romance but I hope that one day I could be both husband and best girl friend with her.

I pondered about this subject some time ago and have not thought much about it until recently. Rachel has never met her SO but a recent event may bring me one tiny step closer or farther (not sure which). My wife is aware and supportive of my CDing but does not want to see me dressed. We have an unspoken agreement that I can be Rachel at certain time in my lady lair/man cave. Never before has she ever entered my hideout when I am Rachel except this one time recently. She came in expectantly, I had a wig, pantyhose, high heels, a 50s inspired dress and lipstick on with a bewildered look on my face. I was totally unprepared and in shock with no place to hide! She broke the ice by asking if I like to join her for lunch in the afternoon, I nodded to indicate yes. As she was leaving the room, she turn and said “Hey, the dress looks great on you….but you need a shave.” with a naughty smile. I think I managed to mutter something ridiculous like “I …I was not expecting company.” She left barely able to contain her laughter. I still not sure if that was for the way I looked or what I said. Needless to say, without having a coherent conversation, it’s hard to count that as her first meeting with Rachel. I suppose it could be worst, if she reacted in bewilderment instead of me, that would have meant she is far from ready to see me enfemme. What can I say, I am an eternal optimist. 😊

Rachel M

Posts: 748
Prominent Member     Florida, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply Rachel and glad to hear your wife is becoming more accepting. Definitely sounds like she's trying to have a positive attitude about your dressing.

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