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Since coming out and taking it slow, my wife and I will go shopping out and about. We have a great bra/intimate apparel shop in town that we frequent. I always want to buy something in there but have yet to find something that really screams Michelle, buy me! On the other hand, I have become a trusted adviser to my wife's selections. Other times, we hit the big box or other clothing stores, searching together and apart for items. It is wonderful when my wife comes over and says "I think that would look really cute on you." All I can do is smile and blush, as I think I am incredibly lucky. So in some ways, I am not only the husband but a girlfriend to shop with.
My wife and I shop thrift stores together, I have purchased many items on my wife's advise. It is fun to have someone to shop with, especially a supportive wife. When we get home it's fashion show time as we try on our new items.
Shop on girl!
Smile and blush? What a grand couple you are!
Michelle.....you lucky girl! I am happy for you.
Dame Veronica
Yes girlfriends are nice, wee had an opportunity to do a wee wander today and it seemed that each charity shop had millions of things, that the boss needed!! but nothing for me. then into Asda's for a shop and she produced a pencil skirt and said you would suit that. I have yet to try it on . . Tomorrow I think for a dress up day can't wait . PY x.
Wonderful to spend time shopping and having your wife with you. Girlfriends out together sharing special moments and the thrill of sharing fashion ideas . I hope one day to enjoy just that. 🌹
would be such fun to have a "partner" to shop with!
Lucky you
I'd love to have someone to go shopping with! My wife and I go to consignment/thrift stores, and I've been able to buy a couple pair of jeans while with her, but difficult to do. I just keep them folded and make sure I pay so she cannot see them as being girl jeans, until after I've brought them home and worn them.
This is awesome Michelle! One of the best things about having a CD as a SO is they love to shop.
Enjoy your shopping!
Yes, you are very lucky to have an understanding wife. Don't do anything to make her mad, or she might cut your privileges. ha ha ha
I do find it much more fun to shop now! And I think she does too!
Rebecca W. so far so good!
I love it when I go shopping with my wife and she picks out stuf for me to try on.