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Shopping with your SO!

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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I  wanted to share something lighthearted about this past long weekend.  Since coming out to my wife we have had a lot of special moments that have made our relationship stronger.  And though there are some serious issues we have and continue to address, there are those silly and fun parts as well.  This past Sunday, was a chance for Gwenn and I to have time to just be us.  So we decided to make it a shopping day.   As I am not yet ready to reveal Michelle to the world, I was in male mode but that did not stop us from hitting lots of clothing stores and searching for cute outfits together.  After a beauty supply run, we went to a Thrift store that had so many clothes. I did not know where to start, they even had a pair of 3" heels in size 12 (so close), in the long run nothing really caught our attention.  Our next stop turned out to be much more fun.  My wife decided that we should try Dress Barn, now I have been in Dress Barns before but never really was allowed myself to browse.  I think I had a smile from ear to ear when we found a gorgeous dress that sparkled both of us thought how that this was worth coming in. Being the amazing lady that she is,  Gwenn decided to try it on since we are about the same size, in the meantime I was looking at how to accessorize the dress.  She came out of the fitting room for help to zipper and well let's just say that what made the dress sparkle also made my wife sparkle as well.  Glitter everywhere, the look on her face was priceless, she did not have to say a thing.  I knew she was thinking, only for you...  I could not help but chuckle which led to us having a wonderful laugh about it.  We decided that we would skip purchasing the dress and after not finding anything else moved onto our next destination.  We did find a lot of outfits that we thought would look good on each other, so it was like having a girl's day out. I was able to find a really cute blue chenille on sale and is now part of my wardrobe.  So if you ever get the chance to have that kind of time with your partner, remember to show how much you truly appreciate them.  Hugs, Michelle

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Active Member     freeport, Maine, United States of America
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Thanks for sharing your story.  I hope that sometime my SO and I can share moments like that.  You have given me some inspiration about sharing my Jo-ann side of my life with the nearest and dearest person in my life



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I’m happy for you! Being able to share as a couple could really bring a couple closer than ever.

I know it will not happen to me and I’m at peace with it. I had the chance to go shopping a few times with some female friends and it was awesome. So sharing it with the one you love.... wow!


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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Thanks Gaby, it still is a wow for me as there are times that I still am not sure if this is really happening.


Thanks, Jo-ann.   This has taken time for us to get to this point but we are committed to making this work for each other.  So I hope it will happen for you as well!






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Honorable Member     United States of America
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Did that, yesterday, Michelle. But it was a "Girls' Day Out". For the first time, other than Halloween parties or CD events, I went out as Dawn. Nervous about the neighbors seeing me, but so what? We had our nails done, went to lunch & went shopping. It was great to be able to look at-- and try on-- clothes without someone thinking, "What's up with that guy?" Other than the nail salon, I saw no indications that I was "clocked". Other than my voice, which I hid with the old "I have a cold & lost my voice" routine, my wife says that the biggest thing that would have given me away is my height. But I'm only  little under 6' & I was wearing flat sandals. Wish it could have lasted longer. I felt so comfortable. I got to be the real me. Great day!

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Trusted Member     Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
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That’s lovely, Michelle.  I’m so happy for you two! ❤️


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Active Member     Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States of America
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You are a lucky girl, Michelle

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Reputable Member     United States of America
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So happy for you Michelle 😀

Thanks for sharing.



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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Michelle, when my gf and I shop together we have an absolute blast. Giddy and even sometimes silly, they have been some of our most enjoyable times. We know and understand each others style choices even though they differ greatly. My personality is far more daring than her or her bf lol. I hope it also helps build bridges for any other girls that get the chance to try it.


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That is a dream of mine currently - but I'm in for the long haul, and hoping it will happen!

Fully dressed, naturellement.

Enjoy the moments - so happy for you!



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Famed Member     Richmond, Virginia, United States of America
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You and Gwenn are amazing people-I can't wait to meet you both one day! (and maybe even going shopping with y'all) Enjoy being able to share with your wife as it will only make you an even closer couple!

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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago


You and Gwenn are amazing people-I can’t wait to meet you both one day! (and maybe even going shopping with y’all) Enjoy being able to share with your wife as it will only make you an even closer couple!


Thanks Cyn!  Look forward to that day my friend!  Hugs!

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

We have a day of shopping planned for this wknd. It's always a special bonding time. I'm looking forward to getting some matching hers and hers items as suggested by a dear friend I've met on this site. The shopping and dressing should be fun

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Eminent Member     Near the eagle butte area , South Dakota, United States of America
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The wife and I do shop together when the chance arises and we always have a blast..every time she finds me in the womens section of wut ever store we are at. She always asks did ubfund something u liked..most if the time u do and sometimes u jst come up shirt..after which she will show me wut she found and will go and try ut in if she needs to and she will ask wut I think of it..its a fun time when we get to go out and have fun..when we are not busy...xoxo

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Estimable Member     Arcadia, CA, United States of America
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We seldom make planned dates, but end up doing so often.

I always love the fact that she'll find things for me that she thinks might look cute.

On the flip? I'm honored when at home to be asked a style opinion on what she's thinking about wearing.

Long story for another time, but she wore an outfit of my choice that she disliked to an event several years ago and got nothing but compliments on the look.

I've been her "fashion editor" ever since ~ lol!

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