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Straight guy that just enjoys looking pretty some days

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Hello all. I am a straight male that found at a early age I liked the way girls clothes felt on me. I was 14yrs old and was hanging out at a female friends house. We wanted to go swimming but I had no shorts. She had a swimsuit that had these bottoms that were like booty shorts. I ended up wearing them and found that I really liked the way they felt and looked on me. It was a life changing moment in more ways than one. My friend kept saying how cute I looked in them and grabbing my butt. I had always had a crush on her but never said anything. She was 3yrs older and had been dating a guy ever since we became friends but that day everything changed. We ended up kinda dating for about a year and we explored many things in that time. Being young and dumb I broke up with her not knowing how hard it would be to find girlfriends that wouldn't freak out over the fakt I wanted to dress up in their clothes.

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Hi Erica, Many, if not most of us here could tell a story about "the one who got away". It happens. And many of us never did find one willing to share their wardrobe - but we still manage to have fun.

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Reputable Member     Long Beach, California, United States of America
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Hi Erica,

It is hard to find someone who accepts this socially miss understood lifestyle. Never doubt yourself and always be up front with the girls date. Don't do the way many of us have had to do. Coming out after years of marriage is much much harder. Your understanding someone is out there. Remember do your due diligence and ask her questions that relate to CDing and look for facial reactions.


Good luck


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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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I agree with Sabrina, it is hard to find a lady that accepts and will participate in our CD life style.  Be up front if you find someone that you think you want to spend your life with to give them the opportunity to decide if they can accept your CD life and /or are willing to participate. This will go a lot better then telling them after 5 -10 -20 years of hiding it from them.


Out Life style has enough inner issues without adding a non supportive spouse/So or having to hide it.  That woudl drive me even more over the edge!

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You're right Erica,

Even i need a girl who can accept me as a crossdresser and give me opportunity of living my life


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