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When you decide that you just can't stand wearing men's clothes anymore, what's the first to go? Is there a catharsis, or is it just taking out the trash? Do you keep a little something, just in case?
I went through most of my old clothes and thinned them out. Mis-coloured, worn, size difference, not worried about style.
I cut off quite a few pairs of jeans with tears in the knees and many of them now fit my wife, so no big loss there.
Not a purge, just a thinning of the herd.
Then the very next day your friend asks for help remodeling a house and you are laying shingles in a mini skirt lol
You know when you can't stand wearing mens clothes anymore when the wardrobes have a small area where the mens clothes are and the rest is full of your favored wear.
It's the reversal of when your girls clothes were once in a small bundle in the back of the wardrobe.
All my male underwear has gone, along with all but a few pairs of my male socks (all black), just the ones with colourful accents have been carried over into femme life for winter. I keep enough male clothes in one wardrobe to be able to do a week en homme in any season. They're mainly intended for when I'm seeing my parents, who don't want to meet the full Fiona. In practice, really only one male shirt ever gets worn, and that only occasionally.
The rest of my male attire, minus the worn-out and too-long-unworn items, went into storage crates last year after I decided I was staying as Fiona. But much though I don't want to wear any male clothes, last time I had to, I didn't have any discomfort about being in them. That's the only reason why those crates are still under my bed. At least they're out of sight and mind. One day I'm going to want more storage for overflow of my feminine wardrobe, and the male stuff will just get donated.
It’s hard to be fluffy when you’re wearing male underwear😉. Seriously - if there’s any article of clothing thats worse than those, I don’t know what it is. Tidy whities? Yeeeech! Growing up that’s pretty much all we had too. Just the absolute worst! I still cannot see the scene from Risky Business with the dancing in his briefs Tom Cruise and not want to start reverse eating immediately. That scene, set to another one of my “Songs I Never Need To Hear Again” the horrifying “Old Time Rock’n’Roll” is something I avoid at all costs. Male underwear: Always disgusting. All the time.
There. Now I feel much better!👩🦳
Only you can see what's on the road ahead. I'm still coming to terms with this; tentatively going with 6 months each. Not consecutive; I have family obligations at year end, and not only do I not have the body for women's summer attire, but I like my guy summer stuff (and I can "flip" almost instantly whenever I want). In any case, I'm not a "clothes horse", so neither wardrobe takes up excessive space. Bottom line? I've shared how I wrestle with this topic; but my world is not your world-you do you! 🤩
when I decided to come out I threw out all my underpants - no going back from that!!
The only thing I purged was my boxers. I didn't really purge them, just slowly replaced them with panties.
Since I am not "out" I need to keep 2 wardrobes. I do find I buy way more for Leah by far...and it is more fun!
I did used to keep some emergency men’s underwear. You know, for physicals, etc. Women’s boy shorts replaced them.
I tested it out again recently when I went for a skin cancer check where you strip down to your skivvies. Total women’s boy shorts as I stood in front of the two ladies. (Flat front, no fly) Top to bottom check. Ladies jeans hung on the chair, along with a ladies flannel shirt. Ladies socks, tennies. I wanted to ask - “Hey, you guys notice that I have only women’s clothes on today?” But it would’ve seemed completely stupid as they would have to look at the labels to even know. And of course they don’t care.
Underdressing has gotten a LOT easier these days.😊
As much as I enjoy my dresses and heels sure be a site in the truck garage
I have two closets—one bright and colourful, the other, boring and drab; each have their uses.
I purged my "male" sleepwear years ago because I wear either lingerie or satin pj's to bed every night. I do still have male day clothes for work and chilling at home.