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best most natural looking wigs?

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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I am wondering what are the best looking natural wigs and where they can be bought?

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@maureen76 I assume you must pay for what you get. I tend not to spend a huge amount on them. Mine have come from Shein, Annabelle's and Birdcage. Birdcage is the best of the wigs I've bought and also the most expensive - they are a shop in Brighton which cater for drag performers but sell a superb range of wigs. If you've not seen Annabelle's or Birdcage they are worth a look.

I tend to go for colours that would be the colour of hair dye anyway which works well and I generally stick with red hues as they work with my complexion which is naturally quite pale. Red hair, pasty skin, that's my Irish blood. Blonde absolutely does not work for me and black means I look worryingly like my sister. I can go brunette and darken my complexion slightly with makeup to match.

I have got a couple in my natural colour from before I went grey (a very reddish-brown).

Anna x

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
Posts: 932

@annaredhead Thanks for the advice Anna---I will look them up and check them out. A good wig that can actually be mistaken for natural hair is very hard to find---and if you do, then very expensive

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(@Anonymous 47410)
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I thought there would be several responses to this question, but then again, maybe it is kind of a subjective issue as to where we all buy our wigs, dependent on so many different factors.

Over the years, I have purchased wigs from many sources and returned many wigs just as soon as they arrived.  Sadly, I kept some, thinking they would work out, only to wear them a few times and then really not like them after a few times. 

Fortunately, I found out I could donate wigs to a local cancer treatment center, where they were more than happy to get them for patients undergoing kemo treatments.

Recently, I purchase two wigs from a small family-owned business in Texas and was satisfied, but the problem there is their selection is so limited, especially in my case, wearing a large cap wig.

My best experience was at a local wig shop, but it took time to build a relationship with the staff and owner.  They charge for a one-hour consultation, after which you may or may not buy a wig from them.  The wigs they carry are of high quality, and I did purchase a wig and am very satisfied with it.




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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@catgurl Thanks Peggy -- you seem to be saying that it is best to go in to a wig shop so you can actually see what you are getting rather than ordering online where you can't. I guess by going in in person, you can also form a personal relationship which would be helpful also---good advice

(@Anonymous 47410)
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Well, all the on-line sellers have some sort of return policy, some better, some not so good.

For me, the face-to-face consultation was a new experience, especially when the shop owner asked me if I wanted her to be completely honest with me in her opinions as to what she thought looked the best on me and why.  In return, I told her I would be honest in telling her what wigs I thought were way too expensive, even crazy expensive.  

So, yes, IMHO, I think the wig shop is an excellent option for buying wigs.  However, good bargains can still be found on line. 

BTW,  in these parts, it is impossible to get a local hair salon/beauty shop to touch a wig.  Not a one of them will style a wig.  However local wig shops will, if they believe the wig is in good condition. 

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New Member     Lawrence, Kansas, United States of America
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I haven’t had a haircut in over 3 years!

while I had a battle with prostate cancer and going through radiation treatments,

I heard about locks of love!

a place to donate hair for cancer patients, when I started they requested hair be at least 14”in length. My hair got to 30” and I contacted the website it stated not accepting gray hair. I chopped off 5 inches and still don’t know what to do..

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1185

Posted by: @karon65

I heard about locks of love!

a place to donate hair for cancer patients, when I started they requested hair be at least 14”in length. My hair got to 30” and I contacted the website it stated not accepting gray hair. I chopped off 5 inches and still don’t know what to do..

To be honest, I hate it when charities do that. "Please, we want your hair for poor, unfortunate people...oh, not yours, though."

I'd prefer it if they just said thank you very much then threw it in the bin when they got it. It would have been no skin off their noses and it would make you feel better as ignorance would be bliss.

I'm like that with blood donating in the UK. They constantly complain that they don't have enough blood, especially O Rh neg, which I have, but when I contact them they say nope, you take this or that pill, or you are too old. I even suggested that they just take it and extract the plasma; nope, just don't want it.

Please yourselves. I'm sure if they ran out completely, they'd be beating a path to my door.

Similarly, if there was suddenly a fashion for grey wigs for chemo-takers, you'd be in great demand.

Actually if it's that long, have you considered contacting a wig company? The prices for grey, human hair wigs are quite robust so there must be a market for the hair.


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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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In my limited experience, I have found that wigs in the price range £100 to £200 ($ cost is probably much the same) are the best value for money, although having said that, the wig that suits me best cost under five pounds from Temu, but the hair tangles so much.

I don't think you need to go much beyond $200 to get a very good wig unless you want human hair and then you are looking into a thousand plus perhaps.

I might also add that if you find a wig you like the look of, go on to Youtube. It is almost certain that someone has made a video about it and you can see it worn by a normal person and listen to their opinions.

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
Posts: 932

@rebeccabaxter wow --- I hadn't thought of that Rebecca---it is good to get the opinion of others who have bought a wig you are interested in

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Prominent Member     Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
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Well, this is a very good question before internet, it was in brick and mortar stores, and still is but you pay more. Today, the internet has no ends. I’ve used Revlon, Paula young with good success and fair prices. It has taken me twenty years to figure out my styles and colours. Now a days, I have three each of two short styles, three each of medium long styles, and one long straight brown, and one shoulder length black wig. Why three of you ask? One for the pool, one for summer heat and one for every where else. I love the styles and don’t want to discover they are no longer available. I only buy synthetic. Shake and go. I got them all from Amazon.


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