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Hey all. I will do an intro post here in a bit. I have a burning question that brought me here though.
I am beginning my journey and I have a few dresses that I like to wear. The latest is fairly tight across the chest by design. My male chest is fairly broad with my breasts wide apart. This breaks the illusion when I look at myself in the mirror. I have no interest in increasing the size of my breasts using forms or padding.
Is there a way to take my existing chest and push it closer together so that the breast tissue is more centered on my chest? I tried a 44B bra but it came padded. I really just want to center what I have rather than augment it.
Any advice?
I have no interest in increasing the size of my breasts using forms or padding.
You could try these (info from an unpublished manuscript!), although since you don't want to use padding at all then 5.5.3 might be irrelevant to you.
5.5 Creating cleavage
5.5.1 Using breast tape
It’s possible to use tape to create a little extra cleavage or fullness. To do this you stick the end of about a 20 inch piece of tape under your arm pit, then under one breast, then up the far side of the other. Then do the same from the other side to squeeze the chest flesh together. This mashes together any natural bustline that you may have. It works fairly well - but movement can be restricted, the tape can be unsightly in certain clothes and the tape will slowly lose its grip. If you’re out dancing, or it’s just a hot night, you’re probably going to sweat enough that the adhesive on the tape will fail, and … ping! It can also cause skin irritation.
5.5.2 Using a cleavage under-bra
Cleavage under-bras are worn as a supplement to your regular bra. They push your flesh up so that when you wear a bra over the top your cleavage becomes more prominent. As a concept it is good; in practice it relies on you having sufficient flesh in that area to begin with!
5.5.3 Using adhesive silicon pads
Adhesive silicon pads can be used to lift existing breast tissue. While they don’t add any significant volume to the cup size of breasts, they CAN be used to good effect to enhance the amount of cleavage. This can be useful in situations where a regular bra can’t be worn, as with a low-cut dress with a very low back.
The pads come in two parts, one for the left and one for the right, and each is backed with a light and reusable adhesive. Each is placed over the appropriate chest area. Finding the proper pad placement may require some experimentation in the beginning. If they are placed too close together only a small amount of cleavage will be created and this can look unnatural; if they are placed too far apart then your breasts will be overly squashed together and misshapen. Also, in the latter case, you may find that the adhesive pads detach from your skin due to the stress of being pulled together from a long distance.
During the initial stages of experimentation with this technique you might consider choosing a bra (perhaps your least favourite) that you are willing to sacrifice; it may well get some glue on it that could prove next to impossible to remove.
Once you are happy, you push the pads towards the centre and connect them using the attached clip. This pushes any loose skin and tissue together to give the illusion of cleavage. The technique works on the same principle as taping … but without the need to wrap yourself in tape and then have the discomfort of removing it.
You can wear silicon breast inserts, which have a concave back, over the top of the pads to obtain your desired breast size. Use a combination of adhesive pads and inserts that corresponds with the final cup size of your bra. Regular breast forms with a concave back work, but inserts look more natural and have less of a tendency to move around over time (which can be somewhat disconcerting). If you find that the silicon inserts tend to move about, and simply repositioning them does not work, place a very small amount of silicon breast form adhesive on the backs before placing them over the pads. They only need to be slightly tacky, and not firmly stuck in place.
Tear-drop shaped inserts give the best effect of all. For most body types you need to point the ‘top’ of the tear-drop (the pointy end) towards your arm pits. For some, however, pointing the tips of the tear-drops inwards will work best because of the shape of their chest, the particular outline of a top or dress, or the fit of the bra itself.
After putting on your top or dress, check the position of your inserts and pads and the appearance of your breasts and cleavage. The pads may need slight repositioning to prevent them from being too visible or unnatural looking. Try leaning or reaching forwards; if doing this causes the inserts or pads to show then you can use a small amount of double-sided tape to prevent the fabric of your top or dress from pulling away from your chest area.
Adhesive pads last for 50-100 applications as long as they are kept clean and free from dust and dirt.
Ellie x
There are YouTube and other web site videos describing how-tos. Many of them describe using make-up techniques to accentuate your cleavage. I have not personally seen how effective make-up is yet.
Taping does work, once you practice enough, so buy a few rolls of tape, to figure all of this out.
If you wear clothes that allow wearing a push-up or pocket bra, you can still add in smaller bra fillers than complete breast forms. This will achieve getting a better shape overall.
I look forward to your upcoming book, Ellie!
I shared my concern with my wife after posting and she mentioned that my breast tissue is what she calls pinched and that she wore training bras to round them out. I’m currently wearing a padded bra and she said it looks better already even if it’s increasing the size more than I want.
I have been looking at the silicone lift bras. I will try one of those.
I really appreciate the in depth help and apologize if the content exists somewhere I just didn’t find.
thank you.