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Does anybody here experience with Divine Collection Hera breast forms, in size 4?
I’ve decided I want to have secret boobs. I want to experience two scenarios (note: I’m an underdresser):
- Secret, only known to me, everyday breasts.
- Subtle semi-noticeable breasts that can give me the feeling of having breasts.
For the first scenario is easy: I ordered a pair of Venus Breast enhancers.
The second scenario has me uncertain. I’m drawn to the Hera breast forms because of their realism, jiggle, and weight. I want to get as close to the sensation of having breasts as possible. In this scenario, I would (1) wear the forms around the house a lot, (2) occasionally go out in public in really baggy men’s clothes and have subtle, slightly noticeable breasts (desired effect: “Hmmmm…is he, or isn’t he…?), and so I could enjoy the feeling of having breasts, and (3)—rarely—go out in public in non-baggy men’s clothes, in a place where no one knows me, and just sort of be a weird guy with boobies.
The uncertainty is the size of the Hera forms. The woman at the Breast Form Store says size 4 (smallest) would give a bust measurement of at least 40 inches on my 36 inch man-bust (34” underbust). I packed out a flexible bra to measure 40” on me, and wow! The size calculator on the BFS website says this size is “demure” on me, but it doesn’t look “demure” to me. And when I see pictures on the website of topless girls wearing the larger size 6, it seems to me that the size 4 should be smaller than the look I see with my stuffed bra. I wish I knew just how much thickness a size 4 adds at the nipple, so I could better judge the possible effect.
Does anybody here have Size 4 Heras that could shed some light on light on the subject?
FYI: Apparently there will be size 2 and 3 Heras coming in the future, as well as sizes bigger than their current largest sizes…Maybe next summer…Maybe.
Size matters...not just in form size, but your size. A big breast form on a big chest looks way different then the same form on a small chest. Think sister sizing in bras. As 38B is the same as a 36C, but look different because the 36C boobs look big on a small person and 38B just look average or even small on a big person.
I have two sets of forms. One fills a 36 B and is subtle, the other fills myn38C bras and is not subtle, but fun to wear in public for the reasons you mention. To be honest, many of us wearing bras and forms under loose shirts just look like we have man boobs and are just a bit chubby, so go ahead and get something a little bit larger then you think you need.