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It sounds amazing to think of myself dressing and going out passing as a woman, I will have to try it someday. Until then I don't have all the supplies needed to pull that off. What do you all think about putting on a nice dress, comfortable heels and just going out and about your normal day because you like the clothes you have? Not trying to pass but just being a man in a dress.
It has been done Grace. It depends where you go and where you live and how thick skinned you are.
If it is your normal routine at best a few remarks and the worst is ,well I am sure you could figure that out.
Hi Grace! All of it - and I believe I mean ALL of it - comes down to being comfortable and happy with how you feel about how you look. Guy mode, girl mode, whatever mode.
If you step out that door and feel great, then don't let anyone else harsh your mellow! 🙂
I am very much a man in a dress. I try to dress to blend in if I'm going out. Make up helps, but I still very much look like a man in a dress. I just crack on and get on with it.
It all depends on what you want and how it makes you feel.
I shall be stepping out very soon. I will of course be a man in a dress because I am nearly six feet tall with size 9 feet. However, I believe there is a difference between a man just chucking on a dress and high heels and a man who has looked into his walk, his makeup, breast and hip pads, his style, his hair, basically just looking like he's made the effort. I have photos on my profile and I don't think I look too bad, and the latest pictures are with just six weeks practice and attention to detail.
Years ago, we lived in The Netherlands and we were in a supermarket when we saw -- and I hesitate to use the term -- a cross-dresser. He was a man in a dress: he had stubble, hairy legs, a man walk, and hairy arms, it was like he'd got up in the morning and the only clothes he had were a knee-length spotted blue dress and some heels he couldn't walk in.
Contrast that with a man we saw in a theatre (I've mentioned this in another thread). This man was wearing a knee length evening dress, his hair was immaculate, he had shape and could walk in his shoes.
Both these men were 'men in dresses' but one of them looked a right mess and the other a perfectly acceptable facsimile of a real woman; the latter is what I strive for.
I'm hoping that the nearer you are to appearing, at least at a distance, to be feminine, the more accepting people will be of who you are and what you are doing.
When I go out in public crossdressed, I strive to put forth my best female presentation. As you probably know, that requires time and preparation. Over the years, I have improved my skills in the female arts in order to diminish the "guy-in-a-dress" syndrome.
I want to look lady-like and effeminate, when I crossdress, because I have respect for women, as well as respect for myself. Why take the easier softer way? Isn't it generally always better to improve oneself in life? Perhaps by learning some makeup skills?
I often get compliments from women, when I am crossdressed out in public, even that rare male compliment sometimes. Obviously, people are aware that I am a male.
The aforementioned are my personal thoughts only. Anyone, of course, is free to do as they wish.
Hi Grace,
What better way to venture out crossdressed and watch other GG’s posture, poise, hand motions, facial expressions and practice. I find most guys are preoccupied with their own things so are looking. Women may smile so smile right back. Many children are curious but have been told by parents not to talk to strangers.
Many can’t pass so it’s best to try and blend in and enjoy being your true self.
It's what I do most of the time. If you were a cis-woman it is what you would do, you wouldn't think about "looking like a woman" because you would be a woman, you would wear the clothes you like and just get on with your day. That is how the female side of me thinks. Recently I've been able to dress how I like whenever I like and I have put some effort into buying clothes for day wear and work wear (I work from home a lot of the time) and I feel that from an outfit point of view I have some normal female clothes that suit me.
Thank you for all the comments, I would not have posted a question like this anywhere else, I think this community has allowed me to feel comfortable enough to talk about my cross-dressing and I am very grateful for that. I am thinking of using a professional makeover service whenever my first public appearance happens. Until then it's in secret for me.
My aim is to look as much like a woman as I can possibly manage. I don't want to be one, just look like one, because I like the way it makes me feel. There are many different takes on the hows of crossdressing, and it basically boils down to doing what you feel is right for you.
During my adventure in Leeds last week (sorry to harp on about it) I saw someone who was very much a man in a dress. I took him to be one of the locals, as he seemed very familiar with the place. He was possibly around the same age as me (63), or maybe a few years older, it was hard to tell. He was totally bald and unshaven with very hairy legs. He was wearing a leopard print dress and low heels, had no boobs, and a decidedly unfeminine way of moving. And it was plain to see he was happy doing what he was doing, and that's all any of us can hope for in the end.
There is no problem with your proposal. It is my modus operandus on a daily basis. I rarely try to present as anything other than man that I am proud to be. I will go back and forth between wearing feminine and masculine outfits without a second thought. These days, I do say that I probably wear feminine clothes on a daily basis two thirds of the time. I have never my preferene to wear a dress or skirt from stopping me from conducting my business. And I know that those with whom I interact have little doubt that I am a man. Between my military short haircut and neatly trimmed goatee, there can be no doubt. I have rarely had a bad experience, and often receive compliments. In conclusion, I say go for it.
MacKenzie Alexandra
Grace... Getting out in public is a challenge, especially the first few times. I know I was terrified, but survived. Being a new comer to crossdressing (the past 6 years) and having a semi supportive spouse, there are rules.
So, when I get out, I am just a guy in a cute dress and heels. But I do try and make myself as fem as possible, purse, accessories, pedicure, longer hair style. For now, no wigs or makeup - "rules" - but that may change as wifey seems to be understanding my desire to crossdress more.
I just enjoy the fact that I can be out in some cute comfy gals clothes without worry. Honestly I would like to look more fem, but just being out in a comfortable, cute dress is fine with me.
After all, my decision to wear a dress was made one hot summer day when I was miserable in levis and a t-shirt. I saw a gal in a flowy dress and sandals and thought, I can do that too!!
So the decision is yours, get out just as a "guy in a dress," or go further and look really beautiful. The spectrum is very broad. Hopefully, with the acceptance of wifey, I can get there, but for now I will take what I have...
Have fun, enjoy our clothes. Staci..
For me I feel I would have to present the best female me when out there. Clothes, make up, wig s mouth skin to try to blend in rather than pass as its likely to be in the company of similar people. Whether I can achieve that I don't know, view pictures, but I try and need professional help. Sadly though I am not overly confident which casts doubt.
That is what I do. I haven't been able to pass since my late 30s, and now at 75 I am clearly a man in a dress. but I choose my fashion to satisfy myself, not to pretend to be someone else. I put on my girl clothes, go out into the world with my head held high.