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I Did it and Didn't Die : )

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Eminent Member     New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 12 months ago

Well, I sort of went out and I made it back alright. I started seeing a therapist 8 years ago and go as I have need to do so. I took the bold step, for me, and dressed for a recent appt. I partially dressed for the ride out, bra, girdle, make up etc. but, wore jeans and a tee on top of them. When I arrived at the building I went straight to the bathroom, located in the practice's lobby. I finished by changing and brushing through my wig. My therapist was shocked to see me dressed, as she knows I am closeted.

We spent the entire session talking about my decision to dress for the appt. vs what I initially came to chat about that day. At the end of the appt., I thanked my therapist for her support and understanding then, I dressed down and drove home. I experienced so many emotions that day, as you can imagine. I'm still replaying everything in my mind! : ) I'm glad I did it, even though I'm not sure when or if I will again. If you're closeted, you know the risks of being outed. I am not advocating for you to do it nor am I saying you should not. But I survived ladies, you can too. 

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    Leicester, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Posts: 614

@jayneanne You go, girl!  I know it ain't easy - but try to remember how great it felt and head out again; you'll love it!  Holly XXX

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4018

@jayneanne Yes, I have done the same thing after doctor appointments. Sometimes I have to ask for a key, but other offices on the same floor may also have keys, so privacy is not always guaranteed.

The last time that I did this, the washroom was nice.

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Reputable Member     Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America
Posts: 159

@jayneanne Hi Jayne,

What an exciting experience. Your therapist must be extremely supportive. I can’t wait for your next story. You are a great example, I hope to be out sometime.



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Eminent Member     New Jersey, United States of America
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@jwhite My therapist is very supportive without pushing me into situations I'm not comfortable in. I hope you do get out at least once, I think we all deserve that.

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Reputable Member     Fort Collins, Colorado, United States of America
Posts: 159

@jayneanne thanks for your support

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Prominent Member     Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 605

@jayneanne good for you! I am out and regularly visit my GP en femme. He couldn’t care less as long as he gets paid.

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Estimable Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Posts: 210

@jayneanne I am both proud and happy for YOU, girlfriend!!!!!

As someone said here long ago: life is short, so be gorgeous!!!!



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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
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Good for you Jayne. In today's world most professional people are kind to the trans/CD community. While they may be surprised at first, most are very supportive. 

I have been going to all my appointments as Cassie for over a year now. I even go to my union meetings and my Church.  BUT it took me a long time to get there. 

I am hoping you get to where you want/need to go and do so peacefully.



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Eminent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Posts: 22

@jayneanne Jayne Anne,

Good afternoon hon, I applaude you and know how stressful getting out was... I started going for drives at night... Honey you stepped out in broad daylight... courage, you really have courage!

As I said, I started going out at night, just for drives and only after I went out, in drab mode to see if anybody could see me in the car, at stop lights ect!

It was a thrill that rivaled the first time I went sky diving! Talk about taking your breath away OMG! Anyway, I shortly progressed to going out a night and stopping to get gas and further down the road stopping to get some cigarettes ect., ect (I'm glad I quit that but it was fun at the time!! LOL).

Now, I just jump in my car and go to the mall, get whistled at and I go over to the guy and just tease him for a bit and move on! We all have a threshold that we tell ourselves that we need to adhere to but Hon, you crossed that bridge with flying colors and I'm proud of you!

Little steps are a good thing, doing it that way, for me anyway, is a easier transition and I really hope you do get back out and enjoy all that it has to offer!



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Reputable Member     Blearmill, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 175


congratulations.   I hope you find more opportunities to get out, closeted or not.  


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Eminent Member     Lindenhurst, Illinois, United States of America
Posts: 13

@jayneanne congratulations girl.

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Noble Member     Long Island,, New York, United States of America
Posts: 1293

@jayneanne thank you for sharing your experience dressed during your session with your therapist… I have been in therapy also …my therapist, Heather, after a few sessions told me Leonara would be welcomed.i was so surprised and wondered how I could pull it off because our sessions were scheduled after my day at work. I underdressed when I went to work.  Bra, panty, pantyhose… I had a bag holding my dress, wig, makeup, and heels… like you I arrived half hour before my appointment to complete leonara’s transformation in the bathroom!! I walked the “walk” to Heather’s off .. she was very complimentary to my feminine presentation and it was so nice to have “girl talk” … for me it was so natural… I must say Leonara attended all her subsequent appointments…       Thank you for listening… 

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Noble Member     Delaware, United States of America
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@jayneanne Good for you sister!  Even though my therapist encouraged it, I never took her up on the offer and I really regret it.  I'm sure it would have set a different tone for our discussions and would have accelerated the integration of my femininity into my daily life.

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Prominent Member     Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 605

@jayneanne good for you. Sometimes it just has to happen because you want it to. Fun? You bet!

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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That was a very bold decision and happy for you that it went well. The way you did it was a very good way to go about it too. Did your therapist comment on how you looked for you to get a feel for acceptability?

To me it certainly moves you forward and perhaps for your therapist to adjust the sessions as it is clear you are determined to progress this.

Thank you for sharing as it showed you planned, prepared and indeed you survived!

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Eminent Member     New Jersey, United States of America
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Thank you for your kind and supportive reply Angela! She was shocked, as I mentioned. But she was very supportive plus, complimentary of my make-up and wardrobe choice (a sweater dress, ankle socks and pair of beige Nike sneakers). She let me know I can come to our sessions dressed anytime and that their practice is a safe space for all of their patients! 🤗 However, I told her I try to be realistic about my wardrobe choices. Because of my body frame size, I really don't pass. 

So, the next best thing I try to do is mimic what many women wear daily. Yes, I have dresses, heels and lingerie but the average woman today is much more casual in their style of dress. I don't want to sound critical of those who want to "dress to the nines". You're free to dress as you feel like inside of yourself! But if you're looking to 'blend in', don't wear a pencil shirt and 5-inch stilettos to the supermarket. 

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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
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Hi Jayne,

Congratulations on your decision!  You’re right that it’s a huge thrill and delight.


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Active Member     MARSHFIELD, Missouri, United States of America
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The secret is to dress with class and when you go out act like you know what the hell you are doing even if you do not.  The more you do it the easier it will get.  Usually people do not give a rats ass about you, they only care about themselves.  If you encounter young teens who are trying to give you a hard time just smile and say hello to them and continue on.  

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Well done Jayne, 

I went out En Femme the first time properly a few months ago, before that i went out a few times but very late at night, this recent trip out i went out from about 10 in the morning till about 4 in the afternoon, I got in my car and drove around the country side where i live, and guess what i lived i wasn't swallowed up by a black hole, it's a great feeling and I'm hoping to repeat it again soon,

Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗 

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Jayne -

How wonderful for you, hope you continue to do that.

I've done some of my therapy sessions dressed. My therapist has a private office and I am able to change when I get there. She has always complimented me on my outfit. There are times I will just wear some fancy earrings or necklace and others where I will wear a dress and heels. It is nice having her address me as Suzanne.


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Famed Member     California, United States of America
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While not exactly a therapist, I recently went to my monthly waxing session fully en femme. Her only comment was, "Wow! Lookin' good."

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Estimable Member     Georgia, United States of America
Joined: 11 months ago

I know it felt absolutely amazing to be dressed up for your appointment. It can be difficult to go out dressed, we fear running into someone we know or being outed by teens or some butt hole. But knowing all that I still go out on occasions. Today I went to the Georgia Ren Fest dressed in a renfest skirt and top, no mask of any kind. I had basic simple makeup on and flats. When I arrived I couldn't believe how many people were there, there were thousands and the most I have ever seen at one. I parked, brushed my hair and walked to the show. I so enjoyed being out and about with other people, happy smiling and enjoying the breeze blowing up my hitched up skirt. 

Was I brave for doing not in the least, March of last year an Emergency doctor told me I would be lucky to see the morning sunrise. She told me that I would probably die tonight and should call my family. Massive lung blood clots, I survived and now I know I should enjoy what is left of my life the way I want to enjoy it.

My journey started with very small steps going outside dressed. I started with just stepping out on my front and back porch, then walking around my yard and taking the garbage bin to the road. From there I started to take some small trips then the Post Office. Since then I have gone to Disney World, shopping and even in 2020 a Buc-ees. That one scared me to death. I had to use the bathroom so I put on a mask and went to the ladies room. Have I ran into any bigots, yes once leaving Walmart but it turned out ok. 

I will say this, when you finally walk down a mall walkway into a store, go to the ladies section and pickup a few items and then try them on...there is no other feeling better than finally being you. 


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