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Which bathroom?

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Reputable Member     Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Joined: 9 years ago

Like others, I use the Ladies if I'm en femme, and the Men's if not. I have almost certainly been read whilst en femme. But I have never had an issue. And I regularly use large, busy facilities in shopping centres and railway stations. Even stop to tidy up my hair and makeup sometimes as well.

If I'm at a cosplay event, where I can afford to be flexible about what gender I'm presenting, in which case I will exploit the situation and use whichever loo has the shortest queue 🙂

(An aside: One railway station in the centre of Sydney has loos that consist of a series of single cubicle opening into the concourse. Those of one side of the concourse are Ladies. Those of the other are Men's. One day I was visiting Sydney with my wife. I was in male mode. I went to the loo there; none of the other Men's cubicles were in use. I came out to find my wife still queuing for one of the Ladies' cubicles. So I waved her over, and she used one of the number of available Men's facilities. As we can all attest by our being here today, the world didn't end!)

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Laura, neither would I; that would be asking for trouble. Fortunately, single-use, or "family" bathrooms are becoming common in public places.

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Noble Member     los angeles, California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Whenever en femme I use the ladies bathroom and not had any problems. I just go in with confidence like its no big thing. I will arrange my makeup at the mirror if no one else is standing there

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Honorable Member     Livermore, California, United States of America
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I was lucky that my wife went with me(2 girls going to the bathroom, cliche'). But we went to the ladies, got in, did what was needed, washed hands and left. No fuss, nothing.

I honestly kept my gaze down since I was standing about 6'3" in my heels. I just wanted to draw as little attention as possible.


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Honorable Member     Wausau, Wisconsin, United States of America
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I always use the womens room when dressed. I actually prefer it. It is cleaner and seems more private with the individual stalls. And it does not stink.Never had any issues.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Your friends attitude is a bit of a mix, accepting then coming out with the stereotypical attitude inferring that all crossdressers are perverts and even you, her supportive friend! It's a funny old world we live in.

Myself I use the ladies all the time now. At first I had apprehensions until I just had to go and soon it became normal. My GG friends have no issues and I haven't either. It's just doin' what comes naturally.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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As a rule I use the women's room.  This is primarily for safety reasons.  The men's room is asking for trouble and simply not worth the risk.  I've never had a problem using the women's.  But I'd take verbal abuse or even a physical attack from an irate woman any day versus a potential trip to the morgue from using the men's.

Regarding your friend.... I'd re-evaluate that.  If she's willing to use violence against someone for being trans, why would you want to be friends with her?

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I didn't vote because I'm not out in public yet so it hasn't come up though I often look at the women's room longingly on my way to the mens room. But your friends response illustrates the problem. If you're transgender, I don't know if you are or not, then you're a woman. You were just born with some unfortunate body parts but your brain knows the truth. This can be hard for some people to understand and it's why transgender people face so much violence as your friend offered to provide. And the mention of the young daughter as a further reason for violence shows that she thinks transgender people are pedophiles or rapists. We're never going to get anywhere with people thinking like that.

If I'm out dressed as a woman there is no way I'm using the mens room but the thought of violence in either place might make me run home if I'm feeling unsafe.

-- Abbie 🥰

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Regarding your friend…. I’d re-evaluate that.  If she’s willing to use violence against someone for being trans, why would you want to be friends with her?


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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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I transitioned where I work, and am now legally a female, I live as a woman 24/7, so, yes, I use the lady's room. I personally know people who take great exception to this as they were victims of sexual assaults, and have a great fear of men, particularly in private places, like a restroom. They aren't happy that I use the lady's room and I asked them what I was supposed to do. They say all buildings must have gender neutral or family restrooms and all trans people must use the one that matches their biological origin. I didn't tell them this, but I will tell you. As I see myself as a lady, and always have, I will be using the LADY'S ROOM!!


Ms. Lauren M.

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No you did not do the wrong thing. Going in to the men's room while dressed is asking for a trip to the hospital. I use the ladies room all the time and have never had a problem. These are good rules to follow:

1. Walk in like you belong there. Don't exhibit any nervousness.
2. Do not talk to anyone.
3. Keep your feet pointed in the right direction.
4. Get in and out as fast as you can. You can always fix up your hair & lipstick somewhere else.

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Reputable Member     Kent, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello Casey

Like most of the other girls on here I use the ladies' room when out dressed, have gone to the men's room on an occasion, but in & out quite quick. I mainly wait & see if the ladies are busy, if not, I go in. Not had any problem so far.

love       Helenmarie

Posts: 86
Estimable Member     Wausau , Wisconsin, United States of America
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My wife used and I had to use the bathroom at a restaurant. I wasn’t dressed so I went to the men’s she went to the woman’s. She is sitting in her stall and hears a unmistakable guy talking on his phone. It freaked her out. She finished up as quick as she could. He finished the same time. He was wearing leggings that showed an unmistakable bulge of his private parts. Was not passable at all. I know we all have different degrees of how to dress but I feel he made a bad choice that day. My wife lets me dress and I’m fairly passable but she felt this guy was nothing but a pervert. People like that make it bad for everyone.

Posts: 331
Reputable Member     ZIMMERMAN, Minnesota, United States of America
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I have been using the ladies room for years and will continue to do so. Just like other women, I go in and do what I need to do, and leave. I always make sure I am seated properly and they always have those disposal canisters in the event I need to change my pad.

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Honorable Member     Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

There must have been a lot of felonies in VA during the Covid pandemic. Best, Marlene.

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