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Emotional Tolls

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Eminent Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Hi my name is Johna, aka Jerrica, I have recently came out to myself, My wife and a few others.  And since coming out, I have found myself in what seems like hormonal emotions going up and down.  Have you lady's felt like this also?

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Eminent Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

I haven't taken any hormones yet

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Jerrica Ann. I suffer from ups and downs as well but for many different reasons. I am on a lot of meds for heart issues and have been using estrogen supplements too. For me and perhaps for you....these ups and downs are part of so called normal life. Are you having any other personal stresses in life.....job, marriage, financial issues or what not. These can combine together and give you ups and down. Think about what seems to trigger these emotions, write them down and talk to your doctor as you may be suffering from Bi-polar depression.  Just a suggestion based on my experiences.  If you wish to talk more about door is always open.

Dame Veronica

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Active Member     -, Sweden
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I've neither taken any hormones and have felt a strong euphoria since coming out to myself about my femininity inside. I don't know as of yet if it means I'm non-binary or possible female-identifying and if I should do any body transition or just keep expressing it with clothes. But this emotional work to figure things out has both ups and downs as I deal with lots of fears and harsh self judgments that I try to unlearn.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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I myself haven't tried anything but do experience some forms of the ups and down emotionally .but mostly from exploring more and learning to express my interest in more meaningful ways. Pressures of discoving new things and relating them to our selfs. Always a nervousness .🌹

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Estimable Member     Oklahoma, United States of America
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Perhaps your body is adapting to your mental state. I don’t take hormones either, but occasionally I feel a flood of femininity fill my body.

understanding that my body constantly tweaks it’s chemistry is a good way to make sense of varying degrees of mental states. That and food, esp. sugar.

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Hi Jerrica,

I do not take hormones either and the closest I can relate this to is my wife. She had a hysterectomy, in her late 30s I believe, a long time before we got married. So she has been taking Estrodial since then which is like her having menopause. What my wife experiences gives me some insight as to what I might experience if I decide to take hormone therapy to grow breasts, give my figure a more natural womanly look and less hair growth. Jerrica, I do hope things level off for you. If they do then hormone therapy might not give as many ups and downs. Think positive and keep looking at the prize. TTFN💋💕


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Trusted Member     Alabama, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Sometimes but I don’t notice it most of the time. Maybe because I don’t work with people? I dunno. Oh and I don’t crave chocolate nor do I like it.


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