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I have been crossdressing fully for a few years now I am not out but a few people know. I have been questioning myself on being transgender. I don't have many people to talk to about it. I really am trying to understand these feelings.
Hi Nicky!!! Welcome to CDH!! What you’re experiencing is something many if not most of us have experienced at one time or another. I hope that you find that the community here is a welcoming, loving and supportive group!!
Some time back, I lived as Cerys for about 5 weeks. It became normal. I have always considered myself a man in a dress. I had no doubts about my sexuality. For weeks into this period, I noticed how comfortable I was. Everything I would do as male me, I did as Cerys. Doctors appointments, visits to the tyre bay, shopping trips... Everything fine as Cerys without a worry. Is was so comfortable that I started to wonder if it was trans. Being Cerys just felt right.
One morning, I got up, went into the shower. Came out, shaved, and went into the bedroom. I dressed in male mode. I don't know why. It just felt like the thing to do. I started in male mode due a couple of weeks, and then Cerys came out again. I've had a couple of long periods as Cerys since. 3 months with only 4 days in make mode (events dictated such). I'm practically living as Cerys these days, but I do dip into male mode usually one day a week (saves me having to shave).
Only you will know if you are trans in I'm happy being a man. I'm happy being a man in a dress. I have no desire to be female. I try to present as realistically as possible, but I'm a man. If I talk to anyone and I feel it is right, I will tell them that what they see us only temporary. I don't hide the fact that I am a crossdresser. I know I'm a man.
You will know. You might be like me, just very comfortable presenting as female. So comfortable it feels right. This doesn't mean that you are female. Only you will know.
Thank you for the reply
@nicky35 Hi Nicky, the fact that you're questioning shows you're on the right path. If you don't have anyone local to chat with, then perhaps a spin through our sister site TGH might be of use?
Ask lots of questions. Digest the answers and match them up with what you know and how you feel and see what comes out of that process.
- M
Maybe rather than adding a "label" to what and who you are, Just embrace what you like to do...get dressed up. Dress when you fell like it. Its one thing to enjoy dressing up...totally different thing to fully transition into a woman. But either way it your choice and option.
I love dressing up, I wish there was an "easy button" I could push to be a woman for a day or week to "fully" experience it, but I o not have a desire to transition.. If I did I would be a lesbian.