Crossdressing to new heights

On an earlier post I mentioned that I prefer heels under 3″. This inspired a flurry of comments, and I know that many ladies in the crossdressing community prefer to reach higher heights. As I venture out more dressed as Vanessa I’ve begun to place a higher premium on comfort (of which my wife is considerably proud), something I find that starts getting sacrificed when the heel crests over 2″. I’m also a tall crossdresser, and higher heels make me look like a somewhat unfit WNBA player.

Are You A Tall Crossdresser?

The average female is 5’7″, and the average male is 5’9″. While there are many woman over 6″ – and I’m sure almost all of them are either sports stars or super models –  statistics place only 1 in 1000 woman over the 6″ mark. For this week’s crossdressing poll I’d love to know how tall you are without your heels. Is your height an asset when passing as a woman, or do you long legs make you wonder if you should try out for America’s Next Top Model?

[poll id=”18″]

Last Week’s Crossdressing Poll – We Are Thankful for Crossdressing

Thanksgiving is behind us and the festive season is upon us, and I must admit that as much as I love Thanksgiving I love the fact that it’s the gateway to Christmas almost as much :). In last week’s poll I asked you, ‘Are you thankful for being a crossdresser?’ And if you are, what in particular are you thankful for? I was pleasantly surprised that almost all of you were thankful for some aspect of crossdressing – just 7% of you thought that crossdressing is just terrible, and there’s nothing to be thankful for. Truly we as a community are blessed to be at a point where the positives of our situation outshine the challenges and heartache.

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We also appreciate different blessing of crossdressing. Whether it’s the beauty and makeup, or the understanding it brings, or who we’ve become on this journey. Thank you ladies for sharing the blessings – if you ever need a pick-me-up read through the stories of gratitude that others shared. Reading your comments brought a smile to my face, and helped me shake off any weariness from my transgender journey so far.

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I’m passionate about creating a safe space for everyone in the transgender community to find laughter and friendship on their journey. I completed my physical transition in 2011 and through it I lost everything, and gained everything. I am blessed that I was forced to gaze inward and embark on the journey to discover and live my authentic self. My deepest wish is that all who wander here may find peace, happiness and freedom.

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8 years ago

I was very confused at first too like a lot of you. I went through the stage of being genderqueer in the gay bars and things evolved. I now consider being a gay cd a blessing after all this time

Jess Graham
Jess Graham
6 years ago

I am not short, 5’6 without heels, however for my height I weigh little, only 130 pounds and I have medium hands and feet, I wear a 6 in men, and a 7.5 in heels, although in sandals I have entered more than one 6.5.

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