We have all heard the stories about the lottery winner who finds themselves right back where they started financially, often only months after the big win. They blew the wad and didn’t think of how to use the gift they were given to create something even greater and longer lasting with it; maybe something so great that it could last for millennia.

Well, I have learned that money comes into our life, and money goes, but then it comes again and continues this cyclical flow throughout our lifetime. I have earned over 10k a month consistently for years and also as little as 6k for a whole year. I’ve snorted cocaine through $100 bills.  Blah, blah, blah.

I have made a lot of money and I have circulated a lot of money. Here’s a truth; Money is not spent, it is circulated. We circulate money by giving it in trade for goods and services, and we receive money for goods and services we give to others.

I have found that the greater the outgoing, giving with gratitude and joy, the greater the incoming, which of course I also really enjoy. So that’s money. If we pay our bills in gratitude for the service or goods we received, we have a good relationship with money it is said, and we are in the flow.

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Time on the other hand is spent. There is no ROI on time. We can not make time, grow time, extend time, stretch, manipulate or change time; it just is, and once we spend a minute, it’s gone from our “lifetime” forever. We have a wad of time; we just don’t know how big the wad is.

We generally don’t know exactly how much of this “lifetime” we have been given, to do with what ever we choose, but we do know that it is finite and temporary. How are you spending your wad of time these days?

People often talk about time management, but the truth is we cannot manage time, we manage activities. So, ask yourself, what are the activities I regularly partake in?

I listen to people complain, blame, make excuses and procrastinate and time still doesn’t notice, it keeps on ticking. One day, we might look up from our busy-ness and realize that we have very little time left with which to create what we will.

Time is the one thing we can never get back or make more of, so choosing what to spend our precious time on can change our world from one of drama to one of really, happy.

I choose to spend my time, focusing on and sharing happy stories and uplifting the hearts and minds of everyone who finds these words. I choose to spend my time Being to the best of my ability that day, the Change I want to see in the world.

Don’t blow your wad of time on anything that does not expand you, bring you and the world you live on a little more happiness in some way. We are all here together on one tiny ball of water and dirt with one job, create something cool! Tag, you’re it!

Thanks for reading Your Weekly Reset and thank you for being exactly who you are!


n huggles


En Femme Style

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Dropping out of high school I began touring in the Canadian country music scene at age 17; clubs and soft seat venues, drummer/vocalist for 22 years. After 4 suicide attempts and heavy cocaine etc addiction issues, i decided to learn Self-Acceptance as apposed to self-hatred. I became a student of the Universe and an Instructor of Life Skills at a local College while operating a Private Coaching Practice. Currently, I am rebuilding the Life Coaching practice after a couple years of more personal work well under way. I am also creating online opportunities that will serve our world community…and our world in understanding how the learned life skills of Intentionally and Consciously Creating an Amazing Life have filled my life with Passion, Purpose and Prosperity and they can for you as well... Namaste'

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Jane Don
Active Member
4 years ago

Your absolutely Right– Your life sounds a little (actually a lot) like mine— Confidence & Fear come into play a lot in life- Last summer my support system (emotionally & somewhat financially ) died unexpectedly- My wife was more than supportive of my dressing– She thought it was the Greatest thing sine sliced bread & besides being Helpful–she encouraged & helped every step of the way– Then comes the Money part–she had some income– Now it’s just me without an emotional support system & less money– I have no way of making up the lost income & am afraid of… Read more »

Joan Dontrunsofast
Joan Dontrunsofast
4 years ago
Reply to  Jane Don

@Jane Don Jane, I hear your concerns and anxiety. I hope that you can protect your income. I’ve been through a similar financial situation myself. My solution has been to dress privately while waiting for the clouds to clear. I hope your storm clouds clear soon. Meanwhile, I hope that the supportive relationship with your number one fan created a support network among a few close friends/confidants on which you can lean. Why don’t you and I be friends? Warmest wishes to finding creative ways to be your authentic self. Joan

Jane Don
Active Member
4 years ago

Thank you Joan-Too bad so far away–I certainly apricate the positive thoughts & concern– I thought I had “Friends" however Now (a little late) I realize that it was Alice that maintained Friendships, not myself–I get along with most folks very well, but it’s more like acquaintances rather than Real friendships. I seem to be well liked & respected (I’m told) but mabe I never learned about deep friendships (except for my wife)– Alice died & I find myself alone-have reached out but to no avail– It’s strange to think that I’ve got this far in life without Totally understanding… Read more »

Kirra Vonzipper
4 years ago

So damn cool Joan!!! So awsome to see real people that care about real people! Good luck Jane Do, I know you’ll find good friends whether far near that would be willin to help you through some things! (:

4 years ago

“Don’t Blow Your Wad" One of the most amazing, well written and applicable post I have ever read. For many years with different levels of success I have tried to apply this principle in my life. Ironically my wife and I in our early 60’s are going to retire within the next 2 months. Everything about the aging process has made us much more attentive to time decisions we are making and what really is a priority in our lives. Char, I have never read anything that articulated so well the importance, value and treasure of time and how we… Read more »

Amy Myers
Noble Member
4 years ago

Very apt as we are into this terrible pandemic which is claiming the lives of many. As I have no passed 65, still hale and healthy, and at a birthday party someone said to me about how fast the last 20 years went by. My reply, its’ the next 20 I’m worried about!
Thank you Char for a well written and timely article!

Alice Black
Active Member
4 years ago

I liked the article.Now I am 65 and newly retired, am worried about making money last and probably needing to find part time work. Also am worried about how wife and I spend remaining time. At moment,just trying to stay safe and alive.

Alice Black

skippy1965 Cynthia
Trusted Member
4 years ago

Char- you always get to the point succinctly and well. Don’t waste time worrying about how you could have done things in the past. Focus instead on how you will do things in the present and future BUT don’t wait ’cause-the future isn’t guaranteed. Only the “now" is. It is a trite expression but true-no one on their deathbed says “wow,I wish ‘d spent more time at the office and less time with my family and friends". I do disagree on one thing you said. While time is not circulated you DO get a ROI on time IF you spend… Read more »

Honey Bee
4 years ago

Thank you for your insight.daffodil xx

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