
Because, because, because, because… of all of the wonderful things it does!

How very true!

Male clothing is so restrained, restricted, rejected… oh, another suit day… my oh my what tie to wear? What… Khakis? Non! Ok beach today shorts and t-shirt… boring. No… not an orange vest day… ahhhh! Lace ups or sneakers or… perhaps jandels (flip flops)! I rest my case m’lud.

I wanted be as sexy as the women I appreciated

The first time I looked at my fully made up reflection I couldn’t understand why I never looked that attractive in my male guise despite many women desiring me.

Being brought up by two wonderful women!

Loving the click clack of my first heels echoing in my psyche.

Having always given dressing advice to friends and acquaintances

Getting to understand the entirety of me!

Once I began I knew I couldn’t stop. I can repress of course but never stop! Give up the corseted life? Give up my Dior nylons? Give up my heels? Give up lipstick… are you mad? Give up my boobs? My jewelry, my scarves, my self? Jamais de la vie?

This a road only once travelled xxx //Polly

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