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by jrm3702

This is a jcrew wrap dress I bought on ebay for $25. It comes in a few solid colors too, which I was initially looking for navy, but this peach and blue floral was in a tall size so that was the winner! I've bought a couple of other pieces there and on poshmark in the last several months, that I've been very happy with. I never meant to build a big day to day wardrobe so I've never made a point to be thrifty in my clothing purchases, but with expensive retailers like jcrew, discovering the resale sites has opened up a lot of new possibilities for items I would previously have just gone without no matter how much I like them.


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Jill Marshall

I'm a happily married, 40+ suburbanite who spends nearly all of my time doing fairly typically suburbanite things. From the outside I don't think it would look like anything that distinguished, but from the inside, I love seeing the life I have and the people and relationships and places in it all developing and changing. Dressing didn't figure in until well after that story began, so each storyline has been adapting to the other. Although I first dabbled in intermediate school with one of my sisters dresses, I didn't dress at all after that until I rediscovered it about 10 years ago, and have been learning little by little and finding new happiness in it continually as I go. I'll always keep trying new styles and silhouettes, but I feel like the way I dress now is pretty close to the final form it will take--when I have time and space that I can do a complete job of it, and be immersed in it, and only as often as circumstances allow for that. However, in crossdressing as in life, as difficult as it can be for us, whether in long term relationships or trying to find others like yourself, the more you share the more will come back to you.

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    Alli Katz
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    You look very pretty in that dress Jill. Your hair and maku-up are just right for it too. Very well chosen.

    Michelle Wayne
    Famed Member
    1 month ago

    What a gorgeous dress! You always are so feminine in your appearance.

    Kaija Borden
    Noble Member
    1 month ago

    Jill you always dress so classy very pretty lady

    Laura New
    Managing Ambassador
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    Such a lovely outfit very pretty ! Love your hair as well and the glasses 😍💕congratulations on being featured as well , very deserved

    Managing Ambassador
    Noble Member
    1 month ago

    Cute and classy as ever! Fab pic! 🙂

    Serene One
    Active Member
    1 month ago

    Very cute Jill  😃 

    Thea Patrick
    Noble Member
    1 month ago

    Dear Jill,
    Yes you are, ALL WRAPPED UP, and I can even see a BOW in your hair.
    Good going. Beautiful v-neck long sleeved winter dress ….with snowy white nylons….EXCLAMATION POINT.
    Sincerely and With Love,

    Marie Chandler
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    Stunning! That is such a pretty dress and it looks great on you, Jill.

    Nikki Summers
    Trusted Member
    1 month ago

    Very pretty dress. You look so sweet 🩷

    Mary Priscilla
    1 month ago

    it’s great to see you back at CDH. As before, we continue to like the same fashion choices. You inspire me whenever I get a chance to hit one of the bargain or quality thrift shops.

    Take care,

    Mary Priscilla

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