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by sarahleigh

trying on a black leather dress


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Sarah Gambill

Normally I am a a very private person - Shy, quiet, reserved used to describe me. Not so quiet still some what shy and reserved. Having been born in the early 70's and growing up through the 80's was rough and interesting. I am a 51 year old crossdresser having grown up in Eastern Kentucky where boys were suppose to dress as boys and girls dress as girls, however that did not apply to me or at least not in my mind. My family would never understand and nor would they now because they think it is wrong or people have mental issues, that it is a sin, and the list goes on. I should mention that I have two older sisters that may been a small influence but then again maybe I was just born the way I am, only God knows the truth. Needless to say, home life was not always the best, highschool was ok but I never really dated because of a few things - one was my mother (years of therapy needed there) and the fact that I did like dressing like a girl. Like most CD/Trans, I was never comfortable in my own skin, lacked self-confidence and socially awkward so I hid who I truly was from myself, friends, family and others. How do I explain something that I don't understand myself - in the 80's when we didn't have cell phones, home computers and Google to research, what we did have was the public library and the church. Well the library's wouldn't have any books and not even today, not in Eastern Kentucky. The church (in any flavor) would be all judgmental and condemn instead of offer insight or be of any help. So no useful resources.

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    Angela Wagner
    Managing Ambassador
    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    Wow! That dress is absolutely gorgeous. Fits you so perfectly. Looks so wonderfully feminine.
    And you yourself look beautiful. I love the way you’ve got your long hair resting on your shoulders.
    You look fantastic in this photo, Sarah. One of your best.

    Fran LaRosa
    Famed Member
    2 months ago

    Adorably cute! Your fashion sence is most excellent! 🥰

    Active Member
    2 months ago

    Absolutely love that dress so gorgeous on such a beautiful stunning lady like yourself if you hate it I be more then happy to take it off your hands 😁

    Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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