in Makeup
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Jennifer Connolly

Latest posts by Jennifer Connolly (see all)
- My CDH Story So Far - January 27, 2023
First time I’ve done a full face of makeup in about 2 years. What do y’all think?
When im dolled up i feel free, i feel peace, i feel loved, i feel me.
This was taken by my sister right after I saw myself for the first time – and was able to dry my eyes from the tears of joy.
Announcement Local Places Contest!
By Liz K 2 days ago
Announcement CDH@LFF - the big meet up, August 1st 2025
By Ellie Davis 3 months ago
RE: Advances from unknown men!
@mocha This is just me. For me to be able to affect the...
By Genivieve Bujold , 9 minutes ago
RE: Another unplanned mile stone
Good for you Jennifer. Congratulations on a grand day!...
By Marg Produe , 9 minutes ago
We are excited to launch the Crossdresser Heaven store. A collaboration between Crossdresser Heaven and four leading retail providers serving the crossdresser and transgender community.
Meet the featured members for this week. Click their profile photo and send them a note to say hi!
All your makeup and skincare questions answered by professional makeup consultants.
Transgender Heaven is an inclusive, welcoming and safe place to discuss topics related to gender transition. MTF, FTM, friends and family members are welcome!
As we move into the new year we look forward to growing our community and giving more people a safe, supportive and welcoming place to be themselves.
Please share Crossdresser Heaven with your friends and others who may benefit from our community.
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With love and gratitude.
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Beautiful closeup Jennifer! You always are so beautiful! I think your makeup skills are fantastic. Believe it or not, I considered not commenting on the gorgeous jewelry, but just can’t. I love your necklaces! Oh, and purple is your color!
Thank you so much Michelle. You have no idea how disappointed I would have been if I didn’t hear about jewelry. You know that every time I put on any earrings bracelets or necklaces I think to myself, “I hope Michelle will like this one”.
Very beautiful Picture Jenn
Thank you so much Kim, I appreciate your comment.
So on point. Love your hair!
Thank you so much Michelle, that’s so nice, the hair is “growing” on me, lol.
Such a beautiful lady, I think you look younger every time you post a picture Jenn! I love the purple.
AnnaBeth, what a beautiful thing to say, thank you.
Beautiful purple top and pretty longer wig in an exceptionally feminine presentation! A present for our eyes to see. Kudos for yet another Featured Photo selection, Jenn. 👏🏼💃🏼🌹
Thank you so much Connie, for your beautiful comments on this photo. You are so very kind.
Jennifer you look beautiful in this closeup!
Thank you Sophia.
As pretty as you are Jenn, the LAST thing you need is an excuse to put up a picture, but you’re welcome!! Lol!! 🥰❤️ Your makeup is SPOT-On and you’re definitely a gorgeous BLONDE. Especially with the BLACK and RED top.😂❤️ Oh wait………that’s purple isn’t it!! ❤️❤️ You just look so magnificent in everything!!🥰❤️👩🏻🦳
Thank you Danica, my red and black beautiful friend. I’ll try to post something someday that’s not red and black lol.
Looking lovely Jennifer. Very pretty and I adore your purple top. 💜
Thank you Nikki, your very nice comment is greatly appreciated.