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Danica Daroy

I had the opportunity to attend a unique concert experience on a 44 city tour! Anyone else planning to attend? 😀
Been busy of recent but needed to set aside a day for Amandah. I love this timeless look, ever elegant and any one piece can be swapped out to provide variety.
My stylist Madam Lil worked her magic on both of us. Then we headed for the mall, and the show!
I had my makeup done, and got dropped off in front of my hotel.
Night before New Years Eve, played some piano before going for dinner & more entertainment.
I had a wonderful time at Happy Hour last night with my girlfriends from the Cactus Flowers.
… wearing spaghetti straps in public that is. You know what they say… “it’s only kinky the first time!”
Announcement Local Places Contest!
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Announcement CDH@LFF - the big meet up, August 1st 2025
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@mocha This is just me. For me to be able to affect the...
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We are excited to launch the Crossdresser Heaven store. A collaboration between Crossdresser Heaven and four leading retail providers serving the crossdresser and transgender community.
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As we move into the new year we look forward to growing our community and giving more people a safe, supportive and welcoming place to be themselves.
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Two beautiful gals having a fun time in a photo! One serving coffee. One needing it on a cold autumn day.
Just a day in the life of a gorgeous woman on the go!
I love it Angela!!🥰 Thanks a bunch!!❤️👩🏻🦳
You’re welcome, Danica. And congratulations! I see that this photo has been selected as one of the featured photos for the day.
😂😂 Ahh!! In my case the “Feature CREATURE” page? Lol!……….(I thought it was funny!!) 😂😂 Guess I’ll leave the comedy to the comedians!! As always, thanks again Angela!!❤️🥰👩🏻🦳
So this where the Glamour Girls go for coffee! Looking Fabulous as well! 🥰
Hey Fran! I guess!!😂 It’s always nice to see someone ENJOYING their work!! Thanks hon!!❤️🥰👩🏻🦳
Coffee is good! I’m so happy Danica got out to get hers.
Thanks AnnaBeth!!❤️ That day was SOOO cold, there was no way I was going home without one!!😂❤️🥰👩🏻🦳
Nah: Ms Danica, you are too hot to need a warmup! Maybe you bought an iced coffee instead……..
😂😂 Well Ms.Frances, I must have left all my “HOT” in the parking lot walking across to the pet store earlier. Lol!! Thank-ya ma’am!!🔥🥰❤️👩🏻🦳
You girls sure are smilin’ and looking pretty. Looks like a fun time in the drive thru line.Love, Janice.
It was Janice!! ❤️ Thanx darlin’!🥰👩🏻🦳
I love this photo Danica! I have a local pizza shop that I have considered getting a photo with a couple of the employees in it. This made me smile and you look so nice.
Hey there Michelle, I appreciate your comp!!❤️ Your idea sounds like a great one. Go for it, but save me a slice…….. or 4!!😂🥰❤️
I just love a girl who has her priorities in order. If you don’t start off every day with strong coffee and perusing CDH well then, I feel sorry for ya!🥰 Let’s meet up for a couple of Grande’s Danica, I’m buying.
I’m in for sure Grace!! ☕️ I’m fixin’ to make one now!! Thanks sweetie ❤️🥰👩🏻🦳
Danica, you look so happy in your picture.
Oh JOJO, I appreciate you SO much!!❤️ I’ve turned a couple of pages in my book of DANICA!!😂❤️🥰👩🏻🦳
Pretty Danica sure does get out to her regular coffee shop a lot. I’m so impressed with how pretty you look even when driving your car. From the looks of it, the girl in the window knows Danica now, and from her smile you must be a good tipper too.
Hahaha!! It’s kinda funny, cuz even though I haven’t seen her in a while, she’s given MR.DANICA his brew more than once!!😂🥰 Although they’re PAID to smile and be courteous, she didn’t have a clue!! Maybe I’ll spill the beans next time!! NAH!!Thanx Jenn!!😂🥰❤️👩🏻🦳
Danica decked out in seasonal colors and with her gorgeous smile. Up that to totally gorgeous look! Happy girl who obliged your photo, with her accepting smile. You sure are enjoying your Danica time! 💐
She’s a cutie,and pleasant as hell. 🥰 Even though my wife was very supportive of me, and I don’t want to sound rude, or insensitive, but it has actually been a blessing for Danica since she passed. Our son and all our grandkids know about me now, I also know that I’m not doing anything that she would not approve of. Definitely a new chapter in the book of Danica. 🥰❤️ Back in my sneaking around days, 20 years ago or more, I used to go out in public, whenever I had the chance. It’s kind of nice being able… Read more »